January 30, 2007

Thanks for the smiles - updated

Just an update on the songs I've loaded on my MP3

Jen - Mad world

20 Something - Like a Star

Daughter - No More Tears

Lindsay - Grace Kelly

Marianita - Everybody hurts ( she didn't actually give me that one, it was on her blog and already on my Mp3 player)

Harbinger - Purple- Stone Temple Pilots

If anybody wants to know what song I'm into, identify with or yanks at my emotional strings there are three.

Name - Goo Goo Dolls

Superman - Five For Fighting

Kryptonite - 3 Doors Down

January 27, 2007


The whole mp3 post and Lindsay's comment about music at the gym made me think of another problem I'm having at the gym. No, nothing like the Matt thing.

I watch people, I like to figure them out. See what makes them tick, if you will. Well one of my gym partners has me stumped. There are three of us that lift together and last year we all decided to bring our mp3 players. We actually talk way to much and I thought the music would slow our mouths down and speed our workouts up.

We all brought or players for the first few workouts then one of my partners stopped bringing his. When I asked why, he said he didn't have a lot of songs. We tried to persuade him to download some but he just wouldn't bring it.

If you've ever been in the gym with earphones on you know how irritating it is when someone keeps talking to you and makes you take them out over and over. That's exactly what started happening. My partner would keep talking to us until we were forced to stop wearing the players.

Here come the strange part. After about six months I walk in the gym and he has his mp3 player. My other partner quickly seizes on this and we agree again to bring our players. Now at this point we don't have ours with us so the partner that has refused to wear them until now takes his off and says "I'll take mine off tonight because it's rude to wear them if somebody else doesn't have one on."

I was suppose to miss the next workout but end up making it. When I came in my partner was wearing his mp3 and I had mine, great right? Wrong, as soon as he saw I was going to be there he took his off and put it away. WTF? After his comment the night before I didn't feel comfortable wearing mine, so off mine went. I can not figure this out and it is driving me crazy!

He's a hell of a good guy but he knows we want to wear or players and he seems to be doing this on purpose. I'm not there to socialize so if talking is what he's after ask me to go for a beer sometime. He's even told me to shut up and start lifting before, I'm just not getting this.

Honestly WTF?

Does anyone know what this is a picture of? Anyone? Anyone?

Yep, Christmas lights. Every night I go home I pass these lights. The fact that they're still up bothers me but that they actually turn them on WTF? This is no small display either. These lights are wrapped around pine trees and go up about 30 feet. The star is bigger than I am. Seriously, why would people still have their Christmas lights on?

If you are guilty of this too please don't tell me, I don't want to know.

January 26, 2007

Must See TV

Daughter Of The Night recently posted an excellent video on her blog. I think this video should be required viewing by anybody who has kids or is thinking about having kids. It's not meant to be funny but I have to admit I laughed at a few parts.

So if you have an extra minute and a half watch this video.

Thanks Daughter of the night for allowing me to link it.

January 25, 2007

Give me a smile... Give me your song

A common topic among bloggers seems to be music and songs. Ones we like, ones we hate, and ones we identify with. With the explosion of the MP3 players music seems to play a bigger part in everyone's life.

Why am I talking about this? Am I about to sing a little tune? Hardly, and you should be thanking me for that. Am I going to post a song that is tells the exact way I felt at 4:32 pm yesterday? I might, but not now not this post. Why then? Ok I'll tell you.

While talking with a blogger friend I was told of a song she really identified with. I had never heard it so I downloaded it and put it in my MP3 player. Not music I would pick but a nice song. Then when talking to another blogger friend I remembered a song that reminded me of her situation. I downloaded it to make sure then told her about it. She agreed and posted the lyrics on her blog. Very cool.

Well I listen to my MP3 player at the gym, doing chores around the house and in my car. I honestly forgot about the songs but every so often these songs shuffle around and play. They always catch me off guard but they never fail to make me smile. Why? I don't know, maybe being surprised, maybe remembering a friend when I wasn't trying to. It's not important. The important thing is I like it, it's a cool feeling.

So I was thinking I would like to add more songs to my MP3 player that would randomly pop up and remind me of my blogger buddies. A little strange? Probably but I started this blog to be me and yes I'm a strange bird indeed. So if you have a song you really like or identify with send it to me. Make me smile :)

January 21, 2007

Look around, please!

I spent part of my weekend at Chuck E. Cheese for my daughter's birthday party. Being the people watcher I am I noticed that some people are just oblivious to others. It's not that they don't care about other people they just seem to be in a world of their own and don't notice. As I sat there watching parents ignore the world as their child caused chaos for everyone else I thought of other ways people seem to be oblivious.

If your child is going up a slide from the bottom, he's in the way, move him. There are ten kids up top who were taught not to slide when someones at the bottom and not to go up from the bottom.

If your child is at my table grabbing things off of it, stop them. I am to busy watching my children to discipline yours.

If you are in the middle of a supermarket aisle and there is not enough room to get by, move to one side or the other. I am not resting, I want to get by.

If you are driving and you come to a red light and there are two lanes and your going straight get in the left lane so everyone else can turn right.

If you are in the right lane and a car behind you can turn if you pull up two more inches, pull up. You will know someone wants to turn because they will be one inch from your right side bumper.

If you see a line of people at a register and you need to 'just ask a question' don't go to the front of the line and make the rest of us wait. Ten people did it before you and I'm still in line waiting to ask a question as well.

Don't ask me if you can go to the front of the line because you only have one item then when I let you ask for some ridiculous service that requires the cashier to get help.

If I'm backing out of a parking spot you want give me enough room to back up.

20 items or less is meant for you too, learn to count, they didn't leave a register open just for you.

If you are walking with a group of people, you can't always walk side by side, even if you are all skinny.

If the waitress is at my table don't call her away to your table because you need something, that's what she's doing at my table.

Being late because you had something to handle first means I wasted time when I could of handled things too. I also have a life.

Ringing phones do not have to be answered, that's why they have voice mail.

People should be aware of their surroundings and realize that the world wasn't made for them alone. That a failure to be responsible is usually an inconvenience for somebody else.

January 20, 2007


I would have talked less and listened more.

I would have invited friends over to dinner, even if the carpet was stained and the sofa faded.

I would have eaten the popcorn in the 'good' living room and worried much less about the dirt when someone wanted to light a fire in the fireplace.

I would have taken the time to listen to my grandfather ramble about his youth.

I would never have insisted the car windows be rolled up on a summer day because my hair had just been teased and sprayed.

I would have burned the pink candle sculpted like a rose before it melted in storage.

I would have sat on the lawn with my children and not worried about grass stains.

I would have cried and laughed less while watching television - and more while watching life.

I would have shared more of the responsibility carried by my husband.

I would have gone to bed when I was sick instead of pretending the earth would go into a holding pattern if I weren't there for the day.

I would never have bought anything just because it was practical,wouldn't show soil, or was guaranteed to last a lifetime.

Instead of wishing away nine months of pregnancy, I'd have cherished every moment and realized that the wonderment growing inside me was my only chance in life to assist God in a miracle.

When my kids kissed me impetuously, I would never have said, "Later. Now go get washed up for dinner."

There would have been more "I love yous".. more "I'm sorrys"... but mostly, given another shot at life, I would seize every minute...look at it and really see it... Live it... and never give it back.

Don't forget to stop and smell the roses today! Take time to tell a loved one how much you love them, do something nice for yourself, and stop to give God thanks for all of it.
-by Erma Bombeck

January 18, 2007

Yes, Steve Irwin could have kicked my ass

The death of Steve Irwin "The Crocodile Hunter" reminded me of the minute I realized that Steve would kick my ass in a fight.

Our house is located in the middle of a forest. I have a dog (a 135 lbs Labrador) that sleeps in our garage. We leave the door open during the warmer days so he can come and go as he pleases. One night I woke up and heard him barking like mad. Not the usual 'I hear something but I'm to lazy to get up so I'll bark' bark but the real 'get your butt down here' bark.

I get up, after my wife makes me, and go down stairs to see what was wrong. As I opened the door the dogs hair was standing up on end and he was looking at a rattle snake curled up, in the strike position, in the middle of our garage.

My first thought was of The Crocodile Hunter and how he just picks these snakes up with his bare hands. Well I'm not that stupid so I figured I'd get a broom and push him away. So I grabbed a broom and started towards the snake. Well it just started coming at me. That's when it hit me. I'm standing in my boxer shorts with no shoes on and no where to run. I back up and put the broom down, I may be a coward but I'm no fool.

I couldn't shoot the thing because of the concrete floor and a shovel wasn't any better than a broom at this point. My wife's car was parked in the garage so I got the keys and ran over the snake, three times. What a brave man I was. Then I picked it up with the shovel and threw it away. I never did touch it, dead or alive. That's when I knew, if I ever got into a fight with The Crocodile Hunter I wouldn't stand a chance.

We'll miss you Steve Irwin.

January 15, 2007

Unexpected Parcels

Recently, I was commenting with some blogger friends about how the small unexpected things in life can make you the happiest. One person used the example of getting a unexpected parcel in the mail. So true, as a matter of fact that happened to me over Christmas. I thought I would share the story.

My family had just gotten back from the mall where I had bought some parts for a bow I received for Christmas. My wife asked if I would stop at the mail box since we hadn't in awhile. I got out, got the mail and handed it to her. My first mistake, handing the mail to her.

I went into the house to put together my bow when my wife comes over to me and ask me who this card is from. I took a look (you could of knocked me over with a feather) and said "20 Something (a blogger friend of mine), it can't be from 20 Something". My second mistake was saying this out loud. She said "is she from England?" I said "yes" (still in shock) then (this is the good part) she said " Who in the hell is 20 something." That's when the reality of the situation it hit me. Oh, shit.

I told her she was a girl I had left a comment on her blog and that she was having some problems with her boyfriend and that I left some input on that as well. My wife doesn't do blogs or anything else with computers except shop so I started to tell her I would show her the blog but then I remembered that 20 something had left a post called HORNY and realized I was just digging a hole. So I said I couldn't remember the exact blog (yes, I lied) but it was all innocent and she shouldn't worry.

I thought that would be fine because she started to walk out the room but turned and asked how she got our address? I stumbled over a few more questions but she finally grew tired of it and walked out. After all the card was from England, what could she say? When I was finally alone I took a deep breath and started laughing (quietly to myself of course).

Over the next few days, at several parties, my wife announced that I was getting Christmas cards from girls in England. I just sat quietly laughing to myself. I knew the card was sent in good fun and with the best intentions. I really appreciated the card but the surprise and the thought made my day and a heck of a memory.

The point: Receiving unexpected parcels can make you happy but they just may get your ass in trouble too :)

Disclaimer: The names in this story were changed to protect the innocent. Do not attempt to send unexpected cards to married people of the opposite sex. Leave this to the professionals :)

MLK Day 'The Dream'

Today is Martin Luther King Jr. day. A day to remember a great man that stood for peace and unity. I like what the man had to say. I believe in his message.

A problem I'm having with this day is even though the black community loves the man they seemed to have lost the message. Character doesn't seem to count for anything. Life doesn't seem to have much value. A sports star or a gangster rapper seem to be the role models of the black youth of today. Apparently being a dad and taking care of personal responsibilities are not important.

Am I stereo typing? Yes, but there is truth in what I'm saying. Of course there are plenty of black people that are good parents, hold down good jobs and contribute a tremendous amount to society but not as many that could and should.

I hope one day that we all realize Martin Luther King Jr.'s 'Dream' to live together in a truly color blind society but that dream seems to be fading away. That's sad because right now the black community needs a dream to believe in. We all do.

Happy Birthday Abby!!!

Today is my Daughters second birthday so in her honor I thought I would treat the world to an Abby dance. What is an Abby dance. It's what happens every time my daughter hears music.

The video was taken with my digital camera so the quality could be better.


January 14, 2007

Strip And Rip

I didn't have time to do much this weekend. Apparently "it's time to get our two year old a bed" is some kind of girl code for we are going to remodel her room. So all weekend was spent tearing wallpaper down and getting the room ready for pink paint. No fun at all.

As always, "it's for the children" works well on my conscience.

January 11, 2007

Words To Remember Before I Forget

My oldest child is always saying something that cracks me up but after a few days I can never remember so I thought I'd put them in my blog so I could have them forever. If you're not the type that thinks kids are cute now would be the time to Click.

A few weeks ago my brother promised me he would lend my six year old a computer video game my son wanted to play. Everyday when I got home he would ask me if his uncle had sent the game? I would tell him no but I would remind his uncle tomorrow. Well this went on for about two weeks. One night I was tucking the boys into bed my son asked if we could say the prayer? You know, now I lay me down to sleep ... well we get the end and before I could say God bless so and so, my son says "and God bless help uncle M to remember that game."


Last night I was sitting on the couch and both my sons were sitting with me. My wife and daughter were on the other couch. My son says with a smile "Daddy there are three boys in this family and two girls, there are more of us." Trying to teach my son that gender doesn't matter I said "son if there were four girls and you nothing would be any different." Without missing a beat he said "where would you be then daddy?" My wife looked at me and laughed. Yeah, he got me.

January 10, 2007

Matt who?

I'm having this minor irritation at the gym that is causing me a little bit of embarrassment. How many times can you say a joke before it ceases to be funny? Apparently some people think there is no number.

There is a guy at my gym, I barely know him but he seems like a nice guy. Well apparently he thinks I look like this famous fighter in the UFC. Every time I come in the gym and he's there he screams Matt Hughes and sticks his arm in the air. At first it was funny and I asked him who Matt Hughes was but after 6 months of this at least twice a week I struggle for a reaction.

The setting is always the same I walk in, he's on the other side of the gym and does his scream and arm thing then everyone in the gym turns to see what he's talking about. I kind of give a stupid wave then a stupid grin then look for the nearest corner to hide in until people go back to their workouts. God help me if Matt has had a recent fight then he screams every detail of the fight like I was the one fighting. "You really got the hit hard in the face" he screams across a crowded gym.

I really hate being the center of attention and I'm starting not to like this guy either. I think it's time for the joke to end. Please.

January 07, 2007

The Price of Happiness, a pain in my ass

As some of you may know from my 'The Price Of Happiness' post, my sister is getting a divorce. I think I've made it clear that I didn't think she did enough but I learning to accept it. Now a new problem comes as a result of my sisters divorce.

My sister lives about four hours away from my family and my parents live about a mile from us. My sister has two girls age six and four. They are wonderful children but as you can imagine the divorce is starting to affect them. My mother has always treated my sisters kids a little better than mine. She tries to hide it by waiting until mine aren't around to give them extra gifts and stuff but we see it. She treats my kids good so I can live with it, besides my sister is the only girl and the baby of the family so she has always been favored, I'm use to it.

Well my wife isn't use to this obvious favoritism. Its always been a struggle to keep peace between my wife and my mother concerning this favoritism. The problem is now that my sister is turning her attention towards her work and away from her family my mother has taken upon herself to "be there for the children". She has had them down for a week, drove up there to visit, sends them gifts every week with I love you notes and we just found out they are going on a Disney cruise in February.

I happen to agree with my mom's approach to this situation. The girls are going through a tough time and they need all the support they can get. Well this extra, extra attention is driving my wife crazy which means she is driving me crazy to do something about it. Every action my mother takes gets me hours worth of ear chewing. My wife is not heartless in fact she's a good aunt to the girls but it's the previous treatment that has caused this reaction. I can't say she's wrong I just think you have to pick your battles wisely.

Now she doesn't want to bring our kids around my parents until they treat them equally. This will never happen. This reaction will punishes my dad, who has done nothing wrong. My wife keeps pushing for a confrontation but not between my parents and her but between my parents and me. The more I resist this confrontation the angrier my wife gets. Tension is high to say the least but at least my sisters happy, right?

January 06, 2007

The weekly visit to Walmart yields another thought. I don't know if this is going on in the rest of the country but down in the south you can't go to a Walmart without seeing at least five or six RVs parked in the parking lot. I'm not talking about some clunkers I'm Talking about those high dollar 200,000.00 to 500,000.00 RVs. They park around the edges of the parking lot and stay at least for the night.

Why would people who could afford these kind of RVs be in them anyway? If they like camping then Walmart isn't exactly the great outdoors. For what they spend on the RV, gas, Maintenance and supplies they could travel anywhere in the world first class. Most Camp grounds have cabins you can rent.

Them being at Walmart doesn't bother me at all I just don't understand why people would spend that kind of money to sit at Walmart, hell I can do that in my car. Its true that they have their supplies with them but if I need something, well hell, Walmart's right there.

January 05, 2007

Fashion and a Friend

I never thought I would be doing fashion on my little blog but never say never, right?

My, (pause to think what to call her) secretary, friend, older sister I never had, wore what I think is a neat shirt to work today. She dresses to the nines everyday of the week except on Fridays when she wears jeans and whatever. Well today she wore this shirt that I haven't seen anywhere. I don't keep up with fashion so this may be old news. The shirt makes it look like she has tattoo's down both her arms. A good way to try out a design before you have it done permanently if you ask me.

I'm lucky to work with someone who just let me take these pictures with no questions asked. While I'm thinking about it, I'm lucky to work with her for a lot of reasons. Although most people that meet her find her to be a bit rude, shes from New York living in the deep south, I find her to be a warm and caring person. As I might have said in past post I am way to nice and she is just the type person I need to balance out this flaw at work. She's certainly not a 'yes' man if you know what I mean. We couldn't be more opposite. Despite this she constantly tells me there's a spot in heaven waiting for me when I die. I doubt its true but its nice that someone thinks so.

We have worked together for eleven years and I know that no matter what she is looking out for me, even if its from myself. I guess what I'm saying is the shirt looks cool but the person wearing it is cool. In my book anyway.

January 03, 2007

Divine Intersection

I was listening to NPR on the way home tonight which I really shouldn't do because their bias reporting makes me angry. Counting to ten... Ok, I was listening to NPR tonight and a story came on about signs from above that suggest divine interventionIt made me think of a story that had happened to me.

One Saturday morning I was on the way to work, my wife and infant son were going along to keep me company. It was kind of a lazy drive because the usual rush hour traffic of the week was non existent. I pulled up to a red stop light and waited. All of a sudden a shadow passed over my car. It had a triangle shape but not to defined. It was just big enough to cover my car.
The light turned green in front of me but nobody was behind so I leaned forward to see what had made the shadow, nothing. Then I looked up from the side window, nothing again. I could see my wife doing the same. This all took about three seconds. I started to press the gas to go through the light when a Astro mini van flew through the intersection from the cross street. He totally blew his red light and had to be traveling about 60 mph.

If I had taken off when the light turned green the car would have slammed into us in the side of the car my son was sitting on. That shadow may have saved our lives. It was a clear bright morning and we never did see anything in the sky. I have to believe that something stepped in to save us. Could this have happened to me before and I didn't notice? I have my proof.

January 01, 2007