June 07, 2007

Foolish Pride

A guy I do business with told me this story the other day and I thought it demonstrated how people (mostly men) put pride above almost all else.

He had just left work and was driving home on his Harley Davidson motorcycle. He has been riding for years but had just bought this bike a few months before. He stopped at a red light at a busy intersection, after a few seconds his mind started drifting and he wasn't paying much attention to his surroundings. Suddenly his hand slipped off the clutch and the bike jumped forward three feet. Caught off guard by the sudden movement, he and the bike tumbled to the ground.

He jumped up immediately and started trying to pick the bike up. Shortly there were a few people asking him if he was alright and helped him stand the bike up. He told me he was so embarrassed that he just hopped on the bike, started it up and drove off.

When he got home he inspected the bike for damages. The side it laid over on was scratched and dented but he was surprised to find a straight crease across the back of the bike. It was dented in several inches. Then it dawned on him, he didn't make the bike fall over, the car behind him had hit him and knocked him down, probably the same guy that helped him up. He could clearly see where the bumper of the car had left its mark.

I laughed as I thought about the guy that hit him going from being scared to death he hurt someone to being left standing in the intersection, scratching his head, as the man he just hit drove away without exchanging any information. Talk about having a lucky day, he probably went straight to the store and played the lottery.

Thanks to my buddy's pride, there was no way to find out who hit him, to get their insurance company to fix his bike and he even broke the law by leaving the scene of an accident. The sad part is I might have done the same thing. If I trip in a hole , my first reaction is to look around to see if anyone saw me, then check to see if I broke my leg.

While pride isn't a bad thing, valuing it above all else can be foolish and expensive.


Jen said...

Your example of tripping in the hole describes me also. I try to believe that most people share our trait. It's not just a couple of us, right?!
It sucks about your friend's bike but I couldn't say that I wouldn't have done the same thing...
It makes for a great "D'oah" story!

Daughter of Night said...

Great post, RT!! I agree with Jen, it's a trait shared by many... though the tragic truth of it is that we seem to fear the judgment of others more than we value our own safety and real human vulnerability. Sad in a way, but funny in another!!

I'm sorry about your friend's bike... we ALL dump it on occasion (and the side scratches indicate the he hasn't yet invested in the ONE accessory that a motorcyclist can't live without - highway bars), but it sucks that he's going to have to suck up the cost for repairs when the guy that hit him seemed genuinely concerned and willing to take responsibility (that doesn't happen much around here, believe me!!).

In this case, pride goeth AFTER the fall. Grrrr.

David said...

For some reason I thought men were guiltier of this than women but maybe not ... interesting!

Don't feel bad for my buddy, believe me, he can afford it. That's why I thought it was funny. If it would have happen to me, I would have swallowed my pride and called the police to see if any one had reported the incident. He'll just ride one of his other bikes until this one is fixed. :)

harbinger said...

If I trip in a hole , my first reaction is to look around to see if anyone saw me, then check to see if I broke my leg.

And in my case call an ambulance, cause, oh yeah, it's broke.

David said...

LOL! poor guy :(

Freak said...

Chuckle, chuckle, that did make me laugh! Yet it is so true. I remember falling over in a night club once, some guys were eyeing me up and I was trying to look cool, but fell flat on my face and boy did they laugh out loud! I went straight to the toilet and stayed their for about an hour I think!

Sometimes I think it's best to just get up and not look at your surroundings, it's only embarrassing if you make a big deal out of it!

David said...

The "trying to look cool" gets you every time. lol

head down straight to the door after something like that :)