May 12, 2014


"The Gift"
Hold me now I need to feel relief
Like I never wanted anything
I suppose I'll let this go and find a reason I'll hold on to
I'm so ashamed of defeat
And I'm out of reason to believe in me
I'm out of trying to get by

I'm so afraid of the gift you give me
I don't belong here and I'm not well
I'm so ashamed of the lie I'm living
Right on the wrong side of it all

I can't face myself when I wake up
And look inside a mirror
I'm so ashamed of that thing
I suppose I'll let it go
Until I have something more to say for me
I'm so afraid of defeat
And I'm out of reason to believe in me
I'm out of trying to defy

I'm so afraid of the gift you give me
I don't belong here and I'm not well
I'm so ashamed of the lie I'm living
Right on the wrong side of it all

Hold me now I need to feel complete
Like I matter to the one I need

I'm so afraid of the gift you give me
I don't belong here and I'm not well
I'm so ashamed of the lie I'm living
Right on the wrong side of it all

Now I'm ashamed of this
I am so ashamed of this
Now I'm so ashamed of me
I am so ashamed of me...

February 27, 2013

Good Bye Jen, and Thank You...

I've been wanting to say farewell to my friend Jen who died unexpectedly. My first reaction was to return to blogger immediately and say good bye. Several times I even started to write something only to get overwhelmed with thoughts of my interactions with Jen. After a few tries I decided to get some distance from her passing, so that my grief wouldn't dominate my thoughts.

While collecting my thoughts I took some time to look back through my blog. It is full comments that Jen made over the years. Comments that show how smart, funny and caring Jen was. I'm lucky to have some of her thoughts to keep to remind me of the support and laughs she gave me over the years. I am very sad that there won't be anymore. I never imagined a day when she wouldn't be just a click away.

So thank you Jen for the support, the laughs, the trust, most of all the friendship and so much more. I only wish you could have seen yourself the way the people who loved and knew you did. You were way smarter than you realized. Your loyalty knew no boundaries. You gave support when it was needed, the way it was needed. You had a special gift for that. Yes, you were a unique person. You didn't want to watch the world burn but you certainly weren't going to let it push you in a direction you didn't want to go either. That fascinated me to no end about you. You struggled everyday to be a better person, without realizing the tremendous value people already knew you to be.

Goodbye my friend. I hope you are with your grandfather now.  I hope you can still catch an episode of MASH and Dr. Who when you want. I hope you can see how much you were loved and missed by those you left behind. Most of all I hope you have found the peace you were always searching for. Rest in peace my friend, you will be missed.

May 12, 2012

The Cave - Mumford & Sons

It's empty in the valley of your heart
The sun, it rises slowly as you walk
Away from all the fears
And all the faults you've left behind

The harvest left no food for you to eat
You cannibal, you meat-eater, you see
But I have seen the same
I know the shame in your defeat

But I will hold on hope
And I won't let you choke
On the noose around your neck

And I'll find strength in pain
And I will change my ways
I'll know my name as it's called again

Cause I have other things to fill my time
You take what is yours and I'll take mine
Now let me at the truth
Which will refresh my broken mind

So tie me to a post and block my ears
I can see widows and orphans through my tears
I know my call despite my faults
And despite my growing fears

But I will hold on hope
And I won't let you choke
On the noose around your neck

And I'll find strength in pain
And I will change my ways
I'll know my name as it's called again

So come out of your cave walking on your hands
And see the world hanging upside down
You can understand dependence
When you know the maker's hand

So make your siren's call
And sing all you want
I will not hear what you have to say

Cause I need freedom now
And I need to know how
To live my life as it's meant to be

And I will hold on hope
And I won't let you choke
On the noose around your neck

And I'll find strength in pain
And I will change my ways
I'll know my name as it's called again

February 09, 2012


Goals to reach by my 44TH birthday....

Bench Press: 315 pounds
Squat: 405 pounds
Run:  5K in 27 minutes

Very doable if this old body will hold together.

December 12, 2011


Isn't the Ego a strange partner? So fragile, so forgetful, so needy, so selfish. It motivates us to accomplish many things we wouldn't attempt with out him by our sides, yet he's also the one the holds us back from accomplishing more.

Over the last couple of years I've become a lot more aware of my ego. Oh, I always knew it was there. When you're constantly feeding something that has an inccaiable appetite, you can't deny it exist. An appetite so huge it requires others to help us feed it too. Yes, we all have to go few rounds with it to keep it under control but I don't think we ever snuggle up to and get to know it until someone kicks the living shit out of it.

The funny thing is, most egos won't respond fully to just anyone stomping on it. No, it has to be someone for whom we've turned the security system off. Someone we've left the door open for, expecting them to fatten it up.

Three years ago The Wife went into, what can only be described as a mid-life crisis. Ten years home with the kids had taken it's toll. It wasn't hard to recognize she was drowning in her own life. A life she asked for, a life I worked hard to provide for her. We both saw and reaped the benefits of her choice. Still, too much of a good thing isn't always good. So when she informed me about an interest in a band from her youth, I was only to willing to support her. She was reluctant. She claimed going to see them was silly, selfish even. I didn't see it that way, she deserved it, earned it and really need something that was a bit silly in her life, that was hers alone.

My ego was benefiting from it too. I got to be the hero husband that watched the kids while she went to the concerts. When she discovered other fans online I dove in and bought her a laptop. My ego got a thrill out of watching her face light up, knowing I was responsible for helping her find some happiness.

Then one day my ego noticed it wasn't the center of The Wife's attention anymore. I noticed my kid's weren't either. Something was wrong. The wife was spending all of her time with her new groupy online friends. She was shedding our life like a snake sheds its skin. Still, my ego was to big to feel threatened. Seriously, how could anything be more important to my wife than the man who works 60 hours a week to provide the life she wanted? The father of her children. The man that supporter her through the toughest times in her life.

Even when my, close to forty year old, wife went out of town with a bunch of twenty something year old females I didn't see the harm. Only when I noticed an open facebook page and the lack of contact did I realize what my partner, ego, had been pointing out for some time. The wife was in her own world. A new world that didn't include me.

Looking back I'm sure I could have handled it better. I'm still not sure how, but turning the situation over to my ego probably wasn't the best decision. Of course my ego demanded The Wife stop all her childishness and refocus on our family, with me perticulalry in mind. This only made her more determined to do the opposite.

Before it was over she had met the band in person. Been groped by one member and shared her desire to do more with all her groupy friends. She had created multiple fake accounts to hide her activities. She hid in our closet texting the other groupies about every movement the band made every time she could sneak away.

Telling her I was not happy didn't affect her. She had clearly chosen her love of this band, and her new online groupy friends over me and my ego. Never had my ego been told by someone it counted on that it didn't matter. It took a long time for me to accept that was in fact reality and not just my ego throwing a fit for being pushed to the back of the line. Many ultimatums were given, all agreed to, only to discover more secrets and deceit later.

Finally, when I could take no more, which was months longer than my ego could take, I called it quits. I called a lawyer, started making other living arrangements and tried to come to terms with not being an everyday fixture in my children's lives. Despite my ego demanding I stay and fight for it's importance my will was gone. But, then it happened. The same week I was going to tell her I couldn't take being second fiddle to a band and a bunch of groupies that had never lifted a finger to do anything for her in her life The Wife changed her tune.

Suddenly, the Old Wife was back. She gave up following the band. She stopped texting the groupies. She started feeding my ego like she never had before. It was as if over night she had woken up from a trance. Mr. Ego was overjoyed. Me on the other hand couldn't follow the logic. What had changed? Why now? She didn't know I was anymore serious about leaving this time than the last. I couldn't get it out of my head, or let it go.

After months of her treating me like the "king" my ego knew I was, I couldn't take it anymore. I should have been happy but I wasn't. Finally, I threatened to contact her groupy friends to find out the truth. Before I did she spilled the beans. Seems her groupy friends dropped her. They all turned on each other. One was actually crazy. She had pretended to date one of the band members. She even went so far as sending emails to The Wife pretending to be members of the band. For over a year The Wife thought she had the private email addresses and the attention of the band members.  What finally ended it was when one of the groupies discovered The Wife had been sexting her boyfriend, behind her back of course. Complete with inappropriate pictures. All I can say is I'm glad these people live 3000 miles away or I would have a lot of other questions.

So months later The Wife has gone back to work and loves her new job. She continues to feed my ego everyday, not just hamburger either but prime rib. She claims she, "lost her mind" and can't believe she almost lost the most important person to ever enter her life, me. But the ego is still hurt, knowing I was chosen only when no other choice was left available to her. Knowing that these, lying, fake, crazy people, who had never done a thing for The Wife, had so easily became more important to my wife than I was. Knowing nothing I did put a stop to it.

So me and my bruised ego are limping along. Me, happy to still have my family and my wife's attention back and my ego now knowing what it feels like to have the shit stomped out of it.

November 14, 2011


The other night as I walked in the door from work I couldn't help but noticing my six year old little girl had a band-aid on her chin. The band-aid was even more prevalent than her two missing front teeth that make me laugh every time I see her.

When I asked her what happened, she shrugged. Not unusual for a girl that sticks on band-aids, daily, for no reason. Then my eight year old son volunteered that they had bumped chins. When I asked how, they both couldn't seem to tell me. Furthermore his lip was scraped, not his chin. Upon further investigation we learned that Abby had talked Ethan into trying out Mommy's razor. Then she tried it herself even after she seeing Ethan cut himself. They then agreed to lie about their injuries.

Upon realizing they had been caught, and punishment would be severe, my son went to pieces. He's very sensitive, so this wasn't a surprise. As I was trying to calm him down without letting off the hook, I looked at my daughter to see her reaction. To be honest what I saw bothered me.

She didn't seem upset at all. Instead she seemed to be studying my son's reaction and how we were dealing with it. Not because she was worried about her brother either. It was almost like she was trying to figure out where she went wrong and got caught. She didn't care that she cut her chin, she didn't care we were upset and mad, she didn't care that we were punishing her. She showed no emotions at all.

After I calmed her brother down, I asked her why she wasn't upset. She just shrugged her shoulders. I then tried to explain the seriousness of what she had done. No response. Finally, with nothing left in my parenting arsenal to use, I dismissed her to her room. Only then did I see a little emotion. A very slight, almost undetectable grin crept across her lips. Frankly, it freaked me out a little bit. 

My oldest has always been head strong like Abby but, like his little brother, wears his emotions on his sleeves. Push him enough and you'll soon find out where his head is. Abby seems to have too much control over her emotions. That's a new one for me and I'm not sure where it's going to take us but I have a feeling it's not going to be a fun place.

November 02, 2011

Real Life or Reality?

Over the years I have been worried that my sister isn't sharing a close relationship with reality. She divorced her husband, which wasn't a problem for me, because she loved her job and didn't want the responsibilities that a husband brings. I didn't buy it but it's her life.

Three years later, I just found out she has given notice at her job. A job that pays a 6 figure salary plus many perks. Seems she is bored with the work, so she is going to take 6 months off to see what she wants to do. She's talking about becoming a teacher, something she's never done or has a clue what the job is really like. She's convinced she can live on $40,000.00 a year. Maybe she can but her children, who always have the latest ipod, iphone and designer clothes are in for a few adjustments. As is her maid, interior designer and high end clothing shops.

The reason we, our family, thinks she is taking the 6 months off working is to get married. It will take some time to help her suspected, soon to be husband moved from another state. Of course I'm questioning the wisdom of marrying a guy you've only spent every other weekend with for the past year. Then have him quit a successful job, in this economy no less.

As if living with someone for the first time isn't enough stress, they will have to deal with both of them being with out jobs, him moving way away from his family, her trying to figure out what she wants to do with her life, the family adjusting to a new financial reality as he tries to establish a permanent day to day relationship with her two girls. Tough for anyone.

I keep telling myself it's her life, it is. She has every right to pursue happiness, she does. There is nothing wrong with getting married, a career change or deciding money isn't the key to happiness. I get it... but, I can't shake the reasons she gave for ending her last marriage. The ten years she wasted of a good guys life to live a life that is the exact opposite of what she is claiming will make her happy today. I worry for her her new husband that will give up almost everything for her while the things she is giving up are for her own pursuits. I don't understand why she can't take these changes in steps instead of all at once.

Of course I will support her in her pursuit of happiness. That's what family does. There is even a big part of me that thinks it's courageous, noble, and exciting, but then the other part of me keeps reminding me about reality. You know, reality, that son of bitch that refuses to play by our rules.

October 25, 2011

Happy Birthday Jen :)

Happy Birthday, Jen!!!!

Happy Birthday form the heart
Cause that's where all great wishes start :)

July 18, 2011

sometimes I can hear my bones straining under the weight of all the lives I’m not living