January 05, 2007

Fashion and a Friend

I never thought I would be doing fashion on my little blog but never say never, right?

My, (pause to think what to call her) secretary, friend, older sister I never had, wore what I think is a neat shirt to work today. She dresses to the nines everyday of the week except on Fridays when she wears jeans and whatever. Well today she wore this shirt that I haven't seen anywhere. I don't keep up with fashion so this may be old news. The shirt makes it look like she has tattoo's down both her arms. A good way to try out a design before you have it done permanently if you ask me.

I'm lucky to work with someone who just let me take these pictures with no questions asked. While I'm thinking about it, I'm lucky to work with her for a lot of reasons. Although most people that meet her find her to be a bit rude, shes from New York living in the deep south, I find her to be a warm and caring person. As I might have said in past post I am way to nice and she is just the type person I need to balance out this flaw at work. She's certainly not a 'yes' man if you know what I mean. We couldn't be more opposite. Despite this she constantly tells me there's a spot in heaven waiting for me when I die. I doubt its true but its nice that someone thinks so.

We have worked together for eleven years and I know that no matter what she is looking out for me, even if its from myself. I guess what I'm saying is the shirt looks cool but the person wearing it is cool. In my book anyway.


Anonymous said...

They are interesting shirts. Can't tell till you get up close sometimes...
Good pictures.
Glad you have someone cool to work with.

Anonymous said...

arr she sounds lovely :) i guess she doesn't know abou tyour blog?


Jen said...

Mary, Mary what a shirt.
Wear it often,
hearts will hurt.


David said...

e -Nobody I know knows about of this blog. I can only think of one person in the world who has this blog address and my family's blog site, which is on a different service.

Jen -you just scared me to death! Mary is the girls name.

Jen said...

I know. That's why I said that.
If her name wasn't Mary I would have used a different tune.