January 25, 2007

Give me a smile... Give me your song

A common topic among bloggers seems to be music and songs. Ones we like, ones we hate, and ones we identify with. With the explosion of the MP3 players music seems to play a bigger part in everyone's life.

Why am I talking about this? Am I about to sing a little tune? Hardly, and you should be thanking me for that. Am I going to post a song that is tells the exact way I felt at 4:32 pm yesterday? I might, but not now not this post. Why then? Ok I'll tell you.

While talking with a blogger friend I was told of a song she really identified with. I had never heard it so I downloaded it and put it in my MP3 player. Not music I would pick but a nice song. Then when talking to another blogger friend I remembered a song that reminded me of her situation. I downloaded it to make sure then told her about it. She agreed and posted the lyrics on her blog. Very cool.

Well I listen to my MP3 player at the gym, doing chores around the house and in my car. I honestly forgot about the songs but every so often these songs shuffle around and play. They always catch me off guard but they never fail to make me smile. Why? I don't know, maybe being surprised, maybe remembering a friend when I wasn't trying to. It's not important. The important thing is I like it, it's a cool feeling.

So I was thinking I would like to add more songs to my MP3 player that would randomly pop up and remind me of my blogger buddies. A little strange? Probably but I started this blog to be me and yes I'm a strange bird indeed. So if you have a song you really like or identify with send it to me. Make me smile :)


Anonymous said...

You're just a big softy aren't you? :)

I like Blanket - Urban Species.

It sounds like it would be some new rock band type thing, but it's not. Its quite a slow song.

You posted a whole blog on music and asked us what we like but you never told us?

Its funny isnt it, I never used to listen to much music, just the radio in the car, TV in the gym, TV on at home. But now I have my ipod with me everywhere!

I havn't watched the TV once in this new flat.


David said...

I have my moments but don't tell anyone.

Thanks, I'll download it :)

Jen said...

Hmm.. I'm thinking.

Daughter of Night said...

So many fantastic songs... so little memory on an MP3 player (you really need an iPod!!)...

My 10 favorite songs of all time:

1. So Simple (Journey)

2. Love Song (Tesla)

3. Telegraph Road (Dire Straits)

4. DO Ya? (Electric Light Orchestra)

5. SInce You Been Gone (Rainbow)

6. Lonely is the Night (Billy Squier)

7. I Came for You (Manfred Mann)

8. Just the Girl (Click Five)

9. Higher (Creed)

10. Defying Gravity (from "Wicked")

Oh, and there's more, so many more!!!! Let me know if your MP3 player isn't rejuvenated enough and I'll give you some more. :-)


David said...

Jen: I have yours already but your welcome to change it. It actually came on tonight right before a big lift. I smiled and changed it. My partners wanted to know why I smiled before such a grueling set. My secret of course.

daughter of the night: I do have an ipod but I'm a bit rough with it to carry it much. My trusty sandisk 240 does very well. I will download Journey and hope my gym partners don't see it, just joking (not really). LOL

I want your favorite song or a song you strongly identify with. your number 10 has me curious. I think I'll take a little listen to all of them. But I'm looking for that one that is you :)

Daughter of Night said...

I identify with ALL of those songs... and more. And it's OLD Journey. :-)

Yes, if you want a "Signature song," try #10 on the list. And Sarah McLaughlin's "Arms of the Angel." And Ozzy Osbourne's "No More Tears." And Linkin Park's "One Step Closer." And Kid Rock's "Cocky."

Oh, have fun with those. They are ALL me. ;-)

Freak said...

MP3's ahhhhhh! I would be so lost without mine - I work out ALL the time, and I can't have a decent work out without music in my ears - body swings to the beat! Have you heard of Mica? (think that is how you spell it) I love that song - its number one here - Grace Kelly it is called.

David said...

Ok, as of now I have;

Jen - Mad world

Emily - Blanket

Daughter - Lonely is the Night (maybe)

Lindsay - Grace Kelly

If your song changes let me know. That way I'll be musically in touch with your moods :)

Anonymous said...

Oh I wouldn't say Blanket is my favourite song. I just really like it.

It's difficult to pick a favourite song, but the one that makes me hit '<<' on the ipod and the one that makes me wail away in the car is probably ...

Like a Star - Corrine Bailey Ray.


harbinger said...

Songs are so amazing, they can link you to moments in your life just by listening to them again. There are really great songs I can't stand because I first heard them when things were really not going well.

Then there are songs that take me right back to some of the best times in my life, like a Metaphysical recorder of some kind.

I think music is a major part of the human experience.

Hello Raw Thoughts, I'm Harbinger.

David said...

Hello harbinger, welcome to my blog. It seems that we travel in the same circles :)

I couldn't agree more about music. Certain songs instantly remind me of past girlfriends and other moments.

If I remember right you're from Canada? It looks like you may be on the conservative side is that true? I alway think of Canadians as being very liberal. I've been reading the gun slinger journal lately, when does she sleep?

Anyway, give me your song this isn't an all girls thing :)

harbinger said...

Hi again, yes I am from Ontario,Can. When I saw your comments on the Gunslinger and on Twentysomething,I did a double take, we must link around a bit.The Gunslinger is something else eh, she knows her stuff and can she write your face off,or what!
Favorite song for me is impossible I'm afraid, way too many.
Albums maybe, Lamb lies down on Broadway- Genesis.
Close to the edge-Yes.
Siamese Dream-Pumpkins.
Purple- Stone Temple Pilots.
All Gabriel, and all Zeppelin.
See too hard.
Remember, we finally kicked those bastard Liberals out. They were always voted in by Quebec, But now that the Separatists are gaining ground in Que. Coservatives got office. Now we just hope Quebec goes on it's merry way, so we don't
have to go to the trouble of booting them out. Bloody French.
That is what I think.

David said...

I'll pick a one of those songs, thanks :)

I know another blog you may like. This guy could be the brother of the gun slinger



Time Traveller said...

Small world, or you're just stealing my bloggers. What did you use to bribe them? Did it involve chocolate? :))

David said...

no it's true, we both were on your site then on another site about politics. If you check his site you will not find a comment by me, yet. Anyway I could use a little more testosterone on this blog.

By the way you gave Lindsay the address so if anyone is to blame it's you ;) Even had Spiller5 here the other day :p

I saw Lindsay comment on Daughter of the Nights blog a few days ago so everyones moving around. I love it!!!

And it didn't take chocolate just money :))

Can't we just share and play nice?

Time Traveller said...

oh ok, seeing as it's you :)

no I like it really, makes me feel like my chicks have flown the nest. :)

Sorry in a funny mood. :|