January 21, 2007

Look around, please!

I spent part of my weekend at Chuck E. Cheese for my daughter's birthday party. Being the people watcher I am I noticed that some people are just oblivious to others. It's not that they don't care about other people they just seem to be in a world of their own and don't notice. As I sat there watching parents ignore the world as their child caused chaos for everyone else I thought of other ways people seem to be oblivious.

If your child is going up a slide from the bottom, he's in the way, move him. There are ten kids up top who were taught not to slide when someones at the bottom and not to go up from the bottom.

If your child is at my table grabbing things off of it, stop them. I am to busy watching my children to discipline yours.

If you are in the middle of a supermarket aisle and there is not enough room to get by, move to one side or the other. I am not resting, I want to get by.

If you are driving and you come to a red light and there are two lanes and your going straight get in the left lane so everyone else can turn right.

If you are in the right lane and a car behind you can turn if you pull up two more inches, pull up. You will know someone wants to turn because they will be one inch from your right side bumper.

If you see a line of people at a register and you need to 'just ask a question' don't go to the front of the line and make the rest of us wait. Ten people did it before you and I'm still in line waiting to ask a question as well.

Don't ask me if you can go to the front of the line because you only have one item then when I let you ask for some ridiculous service that requires the cashier to get help.

If I'm backing out of a parking spot you want give me enough room to back up.

20 items or less is meant for you too, learn to count, they didn't leave a register open just for you.

If you are walking with a group of people, you can't always walk side by side, even if you are all skinny.

If the waitress is at my table don't call her away to your table because you need something, that's what she's doing at my table.

Being late because you had something to handle first means I wasted time when I could of handled things too. I also have a life.

Ringing phones do not have to be answered, that's why they have voice mail.

People should be aware of their surroundings and realize that the world wasn't made for them alone. That a failure to be responsible is usually an inconvenience for somebody else.


Daughter of Night said...

Hear, hear!!!!

Rebekah said...

Amen!! I'm glad someone else gets as annoyed by these things as I do.

David said...

You're welcome to add to it :)

The list that is not to the cause of it ;)

Jen said...

Great post!!
You nailed it on all of these.

David said...

Thank you, there are so many more. I'll keep adding to it.

Anonymous said...

woo hoo! I'm back! :)

I love 'annoying list posts' makes me realise that I'm not alone.

Notice that everyone else in the office has their phones on vibrate. The funny loud ring tone on your phone - is just loud, it's not funny.

Looking at someones food and saying 'that looks healthy' in a sarcastic way - is rude.

Indicators on cars are not optional because they are a neccesity - use them.


Anonymous said...

Where have you been girl? I thought the boyfriend wigged out and did you in or you wrecked the new car. Don't leave us hanging like that:)

Anonymous said...

hello! Blogger commenting and new posts was blocked at work for a while. I have no broadband at home (at the moment) and I havn't had time to blog from the gym - i've had quite a busy week.

I've got lots to blog about - just no timeto blog at the moment. I will take some time next week and do a week's summary :)

How have you been? Your blogs havn't been so numerous either?

So annoying I wanted to comment on your unexpected parcel blog too :(
