January 10, 2007

Matt who?

I'm having this minor irritation at the gym that is causing me a little bit of embarrassment. How many times can you say a joke before it ceases to be funny? Apparently some people think there is no number.

There is a guy at my gym, I barely know him but he seems like a nice guy. Well apparently he thinks I look like this famous fighter in the UFC. Every time I come in the gym and he's there he screams Matt Hughes and sticks his arm in the air. At first it was funny and I asked him who Matt Hughes was but after 6 months of this at least twice a week I struggle for a reaction.

The setting is always the same I walk in, he's on the other side of the gym and does his scream and arm thing then everyone in the gym turns to see what he's talking about. I kind of give a stupid wave then a stupid grin then look for the nearest corner to hide in until people go back to their workouts. God help me if Matt has had a recent fight then he screams every detail of the fight like I was the one fighting. "You really got the hit hard in the face" he screams across a crowded gym.

I really hate being the center of attention and I'm starting not to like this guy either. I think it's time for the joke to end. Please.


Anonymous said...

HAHAH! sorry, i know it's not funny for you, but it's quite funny for me.

You could try wearing earphones so you could pretend you can't hear him?

Or find someone who looks like him, or really not. Someone really geeky looking, then do the same to him. See how he likes it.


Anonymous said...

when You Ask soonice, OK OK, it ll stpo

David said...

we are talking about men at a gym. If they know something gets under your skin they will do it twice as much.

He's not doing it to be mean but damn enough already. I wish Matt Hughes would retire. I might dye my hair or grow a beard, I don't know.

Daughter of Night said...

You look like Matt Hughes???? If you're ever in my town, we have to take bawdy pictures together so I can show them to my friend who is a Matt Hughes FANATIC (much like your gymrat, sounds like). She'll die and I'll be a HERO.


Okay, sorry. I got caught up in the moment. Maybe just introduce yourself to that weirdo in question so he has something to call you other than "Matt." Hopefully, knowing your REAL name and status as a REAL person will ensure that he will feel too silly to continue the status quo.

Hey, if you look like Matt Hughes, you're totally hot. :-)

David said...

I didn't say I look like him I said a guy in the gym said that :) Actually a few of them. I think we have the same body type, shape. I'm a little heavier he may be taller. My wife took a look and said maybe, a little.

The guy in the gym knows my name. He thinks he's paying me a compliment. Which from the sound of your comment he is. Of course it's better than other names I've been called in the gym. Brian (no clue why), Stump, old man, wild man (has to do with my last name) but none of these were yelled across a crowded gym for months. Even my lift partners are getting tired of it.

Daughter of Night said...

Lay the smackdown on him ,then. You have my permission. :-)


David said...

Lay the smackdown on him? Who do you think I am Matt Hughes? :)