January 27, 2007


The whole mp3 post and Lindsay's comment about music at the gym made me think of another problem I'm having at the gym. No, nothing like the Matt thing.

I watch people, I like to figure them out. See what makes them tick, if you will. Well one of my gym partners has me stumped. There are three of us that lift together and last year we all decided to bring our mp3 players. We actually talk way to much and I thought the music would slow our mouths down and speed our workouts up.

We all brought or players for the first few workouts then one of my partners stopped bringing his. When I asked why, he said he didn't have a lot of songs. We tried to persuade him to download some but he just wouldn't bring it.

If you've ever been in the gym with earphones on you know how irritating it is when someone keeps talking to you and makes you take them out over and over. That's exactly what started happening. My partner would keep talking to us until we were forced to stop wearing the players.

Here come the strange part. After about six months I walk in the gym and he has his mp3 player. My other partner quickly seizes on this and we agree again to bring our players. Now at this point we don't have ours with us so the partner that has refused to wear them until now takes his off and says "I'll take mine off tonight because it's rude to wear them if somebody else doesn't have one on."

I was suppose to miss the next workout but end up making it. When I came in my partner was wearing his mp3 and I had mine, great right? Wrong, as soon as he saw I was going to be there he took his off and put it away. WTF? After his comment the night before I didn't feel comfortable wearing mine, so off mine went. I can not figure this out and it is driving me crazy!

He's a hell of a good guy but he knows we want to wear or players and he seems to be doing this on purpose. I'm not there to socialize so if talking is what he's after ask me to go for a beer sometime. He's even told me to shut up and start lifting before, I'm just not getting this.


Daughter of Night said...

A mystery, to be sure!!

Why not just ask him? He might give you a moosepucky answer, but at least it'll be more insight than you have now, right?

Or (I hate to even bring it up), just find a new lifting partner that wears an MP3, doesn't talk, and wants to get in, get down, get out??

Freak said...

Awkward is the word! Just plain awkward. Can you not just pull him to the side and tell him that you just want to get on with your work out? I was in a similar situation myself about a year ago.

The fitness instructor at the gym started to take a liking towards me. It was ok at first because I didn't own an MP3 and although it annoyed me talking to him ALL the time I just accepted it and was polite.

Anyway to cut a long story short, I got an MP3 for my birthday. I could not wait to use it - as I figured "if he sees me with headphones on he won’t come over". But NO he STILL didn't get it. So when he came over I just ignored him completely - Yep! I was that rude. The next day he asked me why I was being so off?

And I just said "Look mate, I come to the gym to work out, and work out only I don't want to chat - this is MY time and I pay to use this gym. I'm quite happy to go out for a drink and chat but PLEASE don't talk to me when I am working out".

He totally understood and left me alone. Ha ha!

David said...

It all goes back to being to nice and the fact that I live in a small town, with one small gym. Like I said he knows we want to wear them. He claims what little music he has isn't lift music. Actually my other partner is a music nut, plays guitar and all that, so he's really irritated.

I'm actually the odd man out of the three. They had been lifting together for years until we met. I thought the other partner would handle it but no.

Daughter: He's really a nice guy we do a little volunteer work together sometimes so if I had to choose between him and music, I pick him. Life's about choices right? It's the not being able to understand part that gets me. I still bring the music sometimes and just wear one side.

Lindsay: Good for you with the instructor. I would never have the guts. Of course I haven't had any girls take a liking to me in the gym so you never know :) Well there was this one girl that didn't like me but that's another post. Oh, and a guy once.. no twice but even then I was nice about it.

Time Traveller said...

hee hee :)

Can you say you can't concentrate if people talk to you thats why you listen to music. Play the health card they can't argue with that - 'if I don't concentrate I could hurt myself' :)

Spiller5 said...

Why cant you steal his MP3 player and stick songs on it for him? Thats just very odd behavior, if you want to wear yours, just wear it? What do you care what other people think? If you ignore him when he is talking to you he will either shut up or start bringing his own again and USE IT? Whats the point in taking it to the gym then taking it off?

Just wear it, sod him!

David said...

20 something: I'll try the safety card. Remember I count on these guys to spot me, so you don't want to piss off a guy when you have 400lbs on your back.

Spiller5: I was wondering where you've been. I almost spit my coffee out when I read your comment :) I have offered to borrow his player and load it but he won't tell me what kind of music he likes.

I'm going to just taken mine and wear it and turn it up damn it!

Time Traveller said...

< Oprah voice >You go girl!< / Oprah voice >