January 30, 2007

Thanks for the smiles - updated

Just an update on the songs I've loaded on my MP3

Jen - Mad world

20 Something - Like a Star

Daughter - No More Tears

Lindsay - Grace Kelly

Marianita - Everybody hurts ( she didn't actually give me that one, it was on her blog and already on my Mp3 player)

Harbinger - Purple- Stone Temple Pilots

If anybody wants to know what song I'm into, identify with or yanks at my emotional strings there are three.

Name - Goo Goo Dolls

Superman - Five For Fighting

Kryptonite - 3 Doors Down


Freak said...

PINK! You and your hand - I love that! In fact her whole album is good.

Can I ask an odd question? Is that you in the photo on your profile?

David said...

LOL, No it's not me, I wish I could say I was better looking but that may be a lie. I don't know if you have Geico commercials in Britain but that's where the picture came from. The video on the side here is one of the commercials, I think they're funny. The only picture of me will be found at http://rawthinking.blogspot.com/2006/12/i-am-dieing-of-disease-old-age.html a post I did earlier in my blog. Let me know which picture is better the caveman or the real thing ;)

Daughter of Night said...

Nice!!! But now I have to tell you the story behind that song:

When I left my first husband, I had NO money and LOTS of bills. I took a second job as a stripper. Not sure why, but I became pretty popular and was asked to choose a "signature song" so people would know I was coming on without being announced. Needless to say, it was a weird time in my life and "No More Tears" was the song I chose.

To this day when I hear that song I feel the exhilaration and power of being on stage, people cheering and focused solely on me, the shame and pain and anger and heartbreak and everything else about that situation all twisted up with it. It is truly an evocative song for me and one that holds great power.

Was it worth it? You bet. I made a ton of money and gained back all that I lost in my first marriage, including my sense of personal power and my self-esteem.

Enjoy!!!! :-)

David said...

Wow!!!!!!! Looks like I picked the right song :) I'm not sure I believe the stripper part. Maybe a picture or two to prove it or video :-o Just email them to me when you get a chance ;)

What else don't I know about you. Give up the good stuff!!! :)

Daughter of Night said...

You'll have to download another song to hear another story.... ;-)

No pics or video, sorry... I'm sure somebody has some, but not me. ;-)

Jen said...

Thanks for my song.

David said...

Lindsay: I hate to admit this but I like the first song you picked too much, kind of catchy but if you have a song with a story behind it, I'll switch it.

Daughter: My first thought is to go straight for the Journey story but I don't want to get there to fast. I'll change them out slowly. "no more tears" will be just fine for now :)

Jen: I'm glade you stopped by. I've been missing you. I sure hope you get to feeling better soon.:( Any news from the doc?

Marianita said...

Oh geez, I don't want to be associated with that depressing song!!! I have over 6000 mp3s in my music library, and that's the song I get stuck with!

Oh, and btw, I know you were asking lindsay but if you ask me, the caveman pic is wayyy better. You put the "der" in Neanderthal.

I don't really know what that means...

Time Traveller said...

LOL! 'Can I ask an odd question, is that you in the picture' ... I nearly spat out my tea!

Thats quite sweet Lindsay, you thought he looked like that and still took the time to get to know him, rather than thinking he's a freak. :)

David, we can't really see your face in those shots. FANTASTIC legs though :| oo i've come over all funny again ....

Time Traveller said...

This is great, I'm going to download all of your songs and think about all the people I don't know on my way down to the coast on saturday :)


David said...

Both of you got me in trouble this morning :( I was talking with someone and I glanced down at your comments and started laughing out loud. The person thought I was laughing at them. Not funny. (ok, really funny)

Marianita: just tell me what song you want and I'll be happy to change it. Don't give me 6000 though my mp3 has it's limits. Besides Daughter of the Night already tried that. Of course if you have a story like Daughters I will be happy to take more than one ;) and you like your men hairy? Never would have guessed that about you :-p

20 Something: You're just bad. Lindsay don't pay her any attention I was going to ask you the same question on your karaoke post. Thanks for the leg compliment though, I haven't found a picture I like of my face that I want to post. To this point Only Jen, Daughter and Marianita have had the courage to post pictures of their face. Of course they have nothing to be ashamed of, wish I could say that.

Time Traveller said...

hehehe I'm feeling mischeivious today. Must be all that lack of sleep - because it was COLD last night. You've all got one track minds.

Daughter of Night said...

I'm not sure, but I think you just wrote that you are "ashamed" of your face or something to that effect.

Now you HAVE to show us. I mean, really... how freakish could you be??? LOLOLOL...

C'mon, your kids are cute. People have accused you of looking like Matt Hughes. You're hot and you know it. Give up the face!!!!!!!!!


Freak said...

LOL sorry I am very naive. I knew it was not you , well (kinda) but when I saw it, i was like is it? Very funny though! Can you put a pic of you? I like to see what people look like - it is good to put a face to the person you are writing to!

Jen said...

I don't think you've looked at me close enough if you think I have nothing to be "ashamed" of.
*sticks tongue out*

Marianita said...

Uh... when did I post a picture of my face? Is it the princess peach one, cause that's not really me, ya know?

Anyway, much cooler songs that I would like to be associated with:

"Ramble On" - Led Zeppelin


"Throw away your television" -Red Hot Chilli Peppers


"I Miss You" -Incubus


"Beautiful Disaster" -311

I know, that's 4, and you asked for 1, but you choose which one you prefer. There's plenty more where that came from!

Marianita said...

Oh, I forgot to add the exciting stories that correspond to the songs.

Well the song "Ramble on" was playing in the background the night that I singlehandedly took on 4 men in a knife fight.

Beautiful disaster was playing in the background later that week, when I dominated 3 guys at Halo, crushing their masculinity and stealing their hearts at the same time.

"I miss you" is a really really sad song. When I heard it the first time, my tears fell to the ground and right where they fell, a man-eating plant sprouted. It selectively attacks people who listen to Emo music.

And, finally, "Throw Away Your Television" was playing at the RHCP concert, where I made the life changing decision to become a stripper to pay for my education and feed starving children in Africa. Unfortunately, the strip club was not hiring at the time, so I worked at a lab instead.

The end.

harbinger said...

I just loaded Superman (it's not easy), acoustic version, Wow! that's great. I can relate to that. How does it do it for you.
Check out Silvergun Superman on Stone Temple's Purple, It's heavy duty.

David said...

marianita: You're cracking me up, You posted a picture of your face in your medical school interview post (twice I think) but you'll always be a princess peach to me. :)
(actually it should be Princess orange.You would have to be from my state to be a peach)

I'll start with "Ramble on" because I to have been in a knife fight but there were five of them and I didn't have a knife. Of course I wasn't the one who ended up getting stabbed either. One of the dumbest things I ever did.

harbinger: good question about the song. Unfortunately in my real life family and friends tend to think of me as more than I am (superman like, I'm far from it) some of the things they ask of me and expect of me are not realistic. If they ever stopped to think about it for a minute they would realize I'm not what I seem. Sometimes when we count on people too much we forget they have feelings and emotions. It makes me wonder if I ever stumbled or fell and let them down would they feel the same about me?