January 15, 2007

Unexpected Parcels

Recently, I was commenting with some blogger friends about how the small unexpected things in life can make you the happiest. One person used the example of getting a unexpected parcel in the mail. So true, as a matter of fact that happened to me over Christmas. I thought I would share the story.

My family had just gotten back from the mall where I had bought some parts for a bow I received for Christmas. My wife asked if I would stop at the mail box since we hadn't in awhile. I got out, got the mail and handed it to her. My first mistake, handing the mail to her.

I went into the house to put together my bow when my wife comes over to me and ask me who this card is from. I took a look (you could of knocked me over with a feather) and said "20 Something (a blogger friend of mine), it can't be from 20 Something". My second mistake was saying this out loud. She said "is she from England?" I said "yes" (still in shock) then (this is the good part) she said " Who in the hell is 20 something." That's when the reality of the situation it hit me. Oh, shit.

I told her she was a girl I had left a comment on her blog and that she was having some problems with her boyfriend and that I left some input on that as well. My wife doesn't do blogs or anything else with computers except shop so I started to tell her I would show her the blog but then I remembered that 20 something had left a post called HORNY and realized I was just digging a hole. So I said I couldn't remember the exact blog (yes, I lied) but it was all innocent and she shouldn't worry.

I thought that would be fine because she started to walk out the room but turned and asked how she got our address? I stumbled over a few more questions but she finally grew tired of it and walked out. After all the card was from England, what could she say? When I was finally alone I took a deep breath and started laughing (quietly to myself of course).

Over the next few days, at several parties, my wife announced that I was getting Christmas cards from girls in England. I just sat quietly laughing to myself. I knew the card was sent in good fun and with the best intentions. I really appreciated the card but the surprise and the thought made my day and a heck of a memory.

The point: Receiving unexpected parcels can make you happy but they just may get your ass in trouble too :)

Disclaimer: The names in this story were changed to protect the innocent. Do not attempt to send unexpected cards to married people of the opposite sex. Leave this to the professionals :)


Jen said...

Great story!!!

Daughter of Night said...

Hey, that's what you get for looking like Matt Hughes. ;-)

David said...

Speaking of Matt it happened again last night. This time two fist in the air and a 6 person discussion about if I truly looked like Matt. My partner has picked up on my dislike of this and has started calling me Mr. Hughes. Bastards!

Freak said...

Did you get my comment? Maybe I didn't save it properly ( I had, had a few glasses of wine soz)

David said...

no, I didn't. It should post immediately. Resend it if you can remember it. and pass me a glass of that wine :)

Freak said...

LOl here I am drinking again! (not too much of an alcoholic) Seriously not that bad - just helps me chill.

I basically said that your post totally shocked me - but its really cool!

I love unexpected parcels - do you ever go on ebay? I know it's not quite the same - but I just love it when I finally get the parcel - it's soooo exciting!

I recently ordered some shoes from the US - came within 3 days - woo hoo!

David said...

I buy a little from ebay and amazon but not much. A coworker of mine buys everything on ebay so everyday packages arrive for him. The lady up front isn't his biggest fan so she calls me when they come so I'll take them to him. I get excited every time I walk up there and see the package until I read who it's for. I fall for it every time, every time...:(

Is it cheaper to buy stuff from the US with the whole pounds to dollars conversion thing?

Anonymous said...

I loved reading this post, I remember being annoyed that I couldn't comment on it. Its strange to think that people I don't know have had a conversation about me 'Christmas cards from girls in England ...' :) makes me laugh everytime I think about it.

I'm glad it made your day too, I was hoping it would have some kind of impact when I was buying it :)


David said...

The posting at work thing sucks.Do they expect you to work every minute they pay you for? sheesh!:) Looking forward to the move news.

My post may have slowed down a bit. I moved my family blog to blogger so it took some time. I also write blogs I never finish or never post for one reason or another plus work has been busy. blah, blah, blah...

Anonymous said...

yeah i know, but at least they don't seem to block domains forever. That would really suck.

You have a lot of posts on one page, you can change that in settings, so you only see a few.

It would help my end too, as there wouldn't be as much traffic. ;)
