January 11, 2007

Words To Remember Before I Forget

My oldest child is always saying something that cracks me up but after a few days I can never remember so I thought I'd put them in my blog so I could have them forever. If you're not the type that thinks kids are cute now would be the time to Click.

A few weeks ago my brother promised me he would lend my six year old a computer video game my son wanted to play. Everyday when I got home he would ask me if his uncle had sent the game? I would tell him no but I would remind his uncle tomorrow. Well this went on for about two weeks. One night I was tucking the boys into bed my son asked if we could say the prayer? You know, now I lay me down to sleep ... well we get the end and before I could say God bless so and so, my son says "and God bless help uncle M to remember that game."


Last night I was sitting on the couch and both my sons were sitting with me. My wife and daughter were on the other couch. My son says with a smile "Daddy there are three boys in this family and two girls, there are more of us." Trying to teach my son that gender doesn't matter I said "son if there were four girls and you nothing would be any different." Without missing a beat he said "where would you be then daddy?" My wife looked at me and laughed. Yeah, he got me.


Anonymous said...

Maturity, intelligence and experience are wonderful things, but nothing is as wonderful as childhood innocence, unfortunately lost by gaining the former.


David said...

True so true. "Maturity, intelligence and experience" I keep finding that I'm one out three on these three item list :)

Anonymous said...

:) which ones are you missing?


David said...

intelligence and maturity of course. To much experience. Intelligence I would love but you can keep the maturity.

Anonymous said...

nah too much intellignece makes you boring and bored and anxious :)


Anonymous said...

Then I should be the life of the party :)

Anonymous said...

Aww cute - kids have their moments! So many things are said that we often forget - a blog is a perfect way to remember and it can never get lost like a diary can!

David said...

Thanks Linsa, I hope I can keep it going.