February 20, 2007

After reading Lindsay's comment about not having children I sat in disbelief that anyone would not want kids. Of course my opinion comes from my own experiences with my children and the fact that I have always wanted a family more than anything else. I will admit that children are not for everyone and everyone shouldn't have them because your life, as you know it, pretty much ends if you plan on doing it right.

Still I can't help but want people who have never experienced the joy of it to know what it's like. So here is a list of what I love about children and why I think people should have them;

You will never know unconditional love until you have a child

You will never know true pride until you have a child to be proud of

You will never understand your parents until you have a child

You will never understand the magic of being a child until you have a child

You will never understand concern until you have a sick child or you stop by their crib just to hear them breath (yeah, I still do it)

You will never truly under stand innocence until you spend time with a child

You will never know true Patience until you teach a child

You will never know trust until you have a child count on you for their life

You are almost guaranteed immortality through your child

I didn't know love - TRUE LOVE - until I had my first child.

A woman will have something to blame her saggy boobs and flabby stomach on after having a child. :)

There are probably hundreds more but these are the ones that quickly came to mind.

I'm sure people will say they have experienced some of the things on my list without having children but I never knew these things completely until I had my children. Just something to think about.


Freak said...

LOL - I'm not that shallow! I'm a slow developer in life and still feel very immature in many ways - therefore the thought of a child scares me . Kind of like a man who is frightened of commitment!

It does not mean I do not ever want them it just means I am nowhere near ready! I would not consider having them till mid 30s - that is when my mum had me so makes sense for me.

Otherwise the list you have created is beautiful - and I am sure children are def worth it!

David said...

I think having them when your older helps you have more patience. I had my first at 32. Worked out pretty well for me :)

Daughter of Night said...

If I may, I'd like to add to your list:

I didn't know love - TRUE LOVE - until I had my first child. I was unprepared for the intensity and ferocity of LOVE, because I thought I already knew what it was. I am still amazed by the power of it, the sheer force.

And Lindsay - the sagging boobs and flabby stomach are equivalent to battle scars. No one who sees them understands them as anything other than what they are. You'll see. ;-)

Time Traveller said...

What scares me about children is the thought of doing it alone. I can't think of anything more beautiful than having a child with someone I love. But what if he left me? Or he died?

Jen said...

Cute little bundle wrapped in standard hospital issue blankets.
Little baby wondering about big man with funny mask.
Ahhh those were the days.

Freak said...

Doesn't having a baby mean losing a huge part of your youth? I think it’s the freedom factor too. Can no longer go where you want, when you want. I guess what puts me off is the fact that so many of my friends had kids really young and have resented it big time because they can never go out and have fun anymore. A huge problem is the fact that some people have kids for all the wrong reasons and the kid really suffers for it.

I always swore to myself that I would never be one of those people and that I had to be 100% sure I was ready to have children. There is nothing worse than bringing a child into the world that is not wanted. This world is too messed up as it is!

Daughter of the night : I kind of know what it must be like to have kids. IM NOT comparing kids to a cat but the other week I thought I had lost my cat and I am very much attached to her. It was awful! I started to imagine what my life would be like without her and I could not bare that thought. If she is in pain I feel it too and if she is lost then I feel lost too.

David said...

Daughter: True love is an excellent addition. Very true.

20 Something: I know what you mean by doing it alone. The thought of raising three kids alone scares the you know what out of me. None of that will matter when you have one. You will have strength and courage for your child that you don't even have for yourself.

Jen: Looking back those were good memories but out of the three births we had only one that was a good experience. If everybody isn't sick to death of me talking about my kids I might post a little something on the birth of our first and that little baby is still wondering about the man in the funny mask :)

Lindsay: I don't think anyone is ever 100% ready but it should be something you want because you're right it does slow your social life down a lot. At least the way you know it now.

Time Traveller said...

Do you think all those things are true of adopted children?

Do parents have the overwheling NEED to nurture someone elses child too?

David said...

I think it depends on the parents and the circumstances.

In my case my parents adopted me when I was about a week old so for us it's all we have ever known. I've actually been watching a show on tv about adoption and forgot that I was one. So to answer your question, yes, I believe there is no difference.

But with older adopted kids that have developed other peoples taught behavior it's harder and so this may not be the case.