February 27, 2007

Back to the rants

I heard a story on NPR Monday night that really set me off. It has all the key elements of a story that should be a red flag to people that the bullshit is going to be thick. It had the police, a criminal, drugs, and the ACLU.

Apparently the ACLU and the left are pissed off because these crackheads who resist arrest are dying from over exertion while on drugs. The medical examiners have labeled this "excited delirium". The ACLU thinks this is a made up term. It seems that using this label places the responsibility for these deaths on the criminals not the police.

The title of the story is 'diagnosis or cover up' . The implication is that the police are somehow killing these fine citizens. Then the police cover their murderous tracks by getting the medical examiner to make up a fake diagnosis. The story waits a long time before mentioning that drugs are even involved. Nowhere in the story does it say how the police are doing this or how they could avoid it, just that it's wrong and the police are at fault.

So I guess the police are suppose to show up to a call and if the suspect appears to be on drugs and out of shape just leave them there? What about that people who called in the disturbance? What if this drugged up criminal hurts an innocent person? Then the polices really will be at fault for leaving a dangerous person on the street. But who cares about the innocent people right? Not the ACLU.

When are organizations like the ACLU going to accept that people are responsible for their own actions? That if you break the laws of society you will be dealt with public safety considered first and the criminals second. How are we suppose to attract qualified people to join the police force if they are always painted as the bad guy? Last time I checked calling 911 put you in touch with your local police department not the ACLU.


Daughter of Night said...

My turn:

Don't get me started.

harbinger said...

The ACLU are a very dangerous group of total nutcases, always have been.
They try to make the law and law abiding people look bad whenever they can. They are the voice of the lunatic left.
Another fear I have: Why has the recent arrest of a high ranking ACLU lawyer caught with kiddie rape porn barley been mentioned in the main stream media?
If it was someone from the Conservative Right you would hear about it for weeks.

David said...

Daughter: this is more of a pole issue than a pickle huh?

har: The problem is there are a lot of these ACLU nut cases and they have a lot of money. They also do just enough good work that people are willing to overlook their real agenda. A case of good intentions gone horribly bad.

Daughter of Night said...

All I can say is that because of the ACLU and "watchdog" groups like them, we in law enforcement and EMS spend a lot more time training about liability and a lot less time protecting you.

But again, I have to point the blame back to the American People, who not only allow this to happen, but usually support it (if only through non-action).

Too bad one can't blame the "white man's culture of hate" for possessing (and by default assumption, using) kiddie rape porn. I'm sure he'll find a way to "prove" it's not his fault, though.

harbinger said...

It all comes down to, when are people going to accept the responsibility of their actions.
We live in an era of 'It's never your fault,' there's always someone else to blame.
The ACLU will be there to stand for their misguided judgments.
It is getting quite ridiculous.