February 12, 2007

Free Speech, Free Press, 5 Grammys

Can someone please tell me why the Dixie Chicks won 5 Grammys? While your at it fill me in on what political and diplomatic experience a entertainer has over the rest of mankind. Why don't we let football players start setting economic policies and actors advise us on medical issues?

I knew a few months ago this was where we were heading. I wrote this and had it published in our local news paper back in May of 2006.

" It would be hard not to notice that the Dixie Chicks have put out a new album. Not because their music has been played non stop for the past few years or because I'm a country music fan. It's because they have been featured on every publication and television show there is.
You would think the Beatles had gotten back together. They have been featured on the cover
of Time as well as 60 Minutes. You can't go anywhere without seeing this media blitz. Good
performers couldn't pay to get this kind of free publicity that the Chicks are getting.Why? Because they insulted the President and now the liberal press wants to make sure they get more chances to do it again. It's a shame the media isn't even trying to hide their bias anymore.
Oh yeah, by the way, that was nice picture of the Dixie Chicks on the front page of the paper, S Morning News

After this media bliss the Chicks had to cancel some of their concert dates due to lack of ticket sales. The band broke up or almost broke up. It's hard to say because the media didn't seem to have much to say about it. It seems somethings aren't worth reporting. Don't get me wrong I have nothing against what they say or what they sing. I think they have every right to say whatever they want no matter how stupid or brilliant it may be. The fans can answer back by supporting them or turning them off. It's a fair system.

It's a fair system until the media and the Hollywood left get involved. I doubt any fair minded person couldn't help but think that the agenda pushed by the Dixie Chicks had something to do with their awards. Even if you like their music it's hard to deny that they have been rewarded for bashing the president and our country. What right does the music industry have to push a political agenda on the population? Mostly on the youth of our country that, largely, have no clue of what they're being fed or why? Would these same people show up if they were told they were going to a political rally with no music? I doubt it.

Let me make this clear. The Dixie Chicks have the right to say what ever they want. The press, who is suppose to be fair and fact based helping them push their agenda is obscene. The Grammy awards will be forever tainted and performers who want one have been sent a clear message the path they need to follow to get one and it has nothing to do with music. Maybe next year Justin Timberlake can spit on an American flag and get his.


harbinger said...

Yes RT, this whole thing is getting me down. You know I have been heavily into politics for quite some time now, but I have been trying to tone it down lately.
I try and try to make sense of what's happening, It's making me lose what mind I have left.
I have come to one conclusion though, and I am not kidding, I think Liberalism is a Mental Illness.
It is all that can explain it!

you are so right with this-
Mostly on the youth of our country that, largely, have no clue of what they're being fed or why? Would these same people show up if they were told they were going to a political rally with no music? I doubt it.

If they are led the wrong way,
Who knows, future disaster.

David said...

The issues are not very clear cut so I think debate and differing opinions are needed but for the press to pick a side is dishonest.

Daughter of Night said...

The press - who've pushed their own agenda by claiming that "the people have a right to know" has never been unbiased. Media organizations are businesses, not philanthropic conglomerations - and they will do whatever it takes to gain viewers, sell papers and magazines, and fuel a business-generating controversy. Mass Media is the Great American Prostitute, and it sets the standard for shady back-alley hand jobs all over the world.

Though I agree that mass media's product reflects, in general, the liberal bend of their staffing, it is unfortunate that I must now lay the blame for media "blitzes," large and small, where it rightfully belongs: on the doorstep of the American People.

As a wise (and thus, now defunct) headbanger once wrote:

"Peace sells... but who's buying???"

harbinger said...

Mass media is the Great American Prostitute- Mass hysteria created by a biased Liberal bent in the media is the whore problem!

David said...

I agree what interest most Americans is usually trash. Like the whole Anna Nichole Smith thing that's going on but I do believe the main stream press is purposely slanting the news to fit an agenda and money means nothing to these people. The proof is in the decline in the popularity of major news papers and a huge drop in ratings for the major three networks but they continue to peddle their crap. Why can't thy just report the news and let the people think for themselves?

Here's a good example of the press twisting things;

The press reported that the Military was flushing Korans down the toilet at Guantanamo. People in Arab countries protested against the United States based on this report. People died in these protest because of this report. Then it was found out the report was probably wasn't true. That didn't stop the press from using the protest as proof that other countries now hate us. WTF? They protested because you reported a lie.

Daughter of Night said...

Why can't people think for themselves regardless of how the news is reported???? Isn't that the real question? I find it far more troubling that Average American Joe and Joanna would rather be told what to think, do, and feel.

There's only one cause for "mass hysteria," and that's the mass. All IMHO, of course.

:-) :hug:

harbinger said...

Just like my other 'peeve' Global Warming caused by man made emissions, this a Theory, true or not ,it is still, only a theory. Untill it is proven 100% true,it is still a theory.
Many news outlets are now reporting this as a matter of fact, it is making me nuts!
Tell people something enough times and they will start believing it as fact.
Very dangerous.

Jen said...

I think the mistake your making is assuming that the press is suppose to be "fair".
They aren't and haven't been for an eternity.
If it's not the liberal view you want tune into NPR and you'll be all set.

David said...

Jen: Why shouldn't I expect the press to be fair? They claim they are. Even the right wingers on am radio admit what they are. Why can't the main steam media do the same and be honest? If they must carry a message instead of reporting the facts why do they have to be so sly about it? Is the message not worthy of honesty? Most people counting on the main steam media for news aren't as smart as you are and won't even question what they're told. If it's on TV it must be true. Back that up with a few headlines in the paper and case closed, they have the whole story. I'm talking about people who believe that Anna Nichole Smith is the most important news of the day.

As far as NPR, I listen to it everyday and they are left of left. There are some good non political stories though.

If everybody was like you and thought for themselves I wouldn't have a problem with this at all

Thanks for commenting, I know after reading the other comments most people wouldn't bother, I'm glade you did. :)

Jen said...

It's my liberal side that generally keeps me from commenting. I'd hate to get lynched. I'm so damn cute and all.

David said...

You are pretty damn cute :)

Jen said...

Thanks. I try.
I mean, what with the not working these days I don't have a lot else to do except mastering the art of cute. :)