February 08, 2007

I'm such an asshole!

Today I was the definition of an asshole!

My three year old son had a program at school called Daddy Desert Night. The wife thought it would be a good idea if I went. I really didn't want to for several reasons all of which were bullshit.

So how did I handle this situation? I acted like a big damn baby. I made sure she knew how miserable I was going to be. How pointless it was to go and how I didn't need to be preached to on how to be a good father. Of course you wouldn't know it by the way I acted. The wife even offered to go in my place which made me feel more like the jerk I was being.

Anyway, I went, I had a good time and my son seemed happy that I was there. The whole thing took all of forty five minutes. I'm such an asshole.


Daughter of Night said...

Hey, we all have to throw our sucker in the dirt and stomp away sucking our thumbs sometimes. :-)

(good for you for going anyway.) :-)


Time Traveller said...

haha! The first step is admitting it (like admitting you're an alcoholic). Seriously. You knew you did wrong and you went. Now you feel good and you won't do it again. Thats it. :)

David said...

Hey, I figure if I blog about the good, I better be honest and blog about my fault's as well. Maybe seeing this will help remind me to behave.