February 26, 2007

It's about to get mushy in here


I just want to take a moment to thank everyone who has taken the time to read and comment on my blog. When I started this blog the idea was rant and rave about all the silly injustices in my world. I really never thought anyone else would bother to read it. Never in a million years did I think it would turn into what it is today.

I have learned so much from your comments and your blogs. You've given me a lot of laughs, a few tears and a lot to think about. I would have never believed that people from all over the world could come together and have such good hearted, interesting, caring and thought provoking discussions. The genuine concern you have shown for me and each other is touching.

So thanks to everyone for restoring a little bit of my faith in people. It came at a time when I needed it the most.



Daughter of Night said...



harbinger said...

!!!! GARSH!!!!

Freak said...

AWWWWWWWWWW No problemo! And the same to you - some of your comments on my blog have made me pull myself together at the best of times as well as bringing a small lump to throat! So a big thanks to you too.

Time Traveller said...

awww mate! :) mwah.

I was actually thinking about this the other day. Some of my friends are cynical about strangers talking to each other about deep and meaningful stuff. I tell them its like free theropy.

Its strange, I never thought I would get to 'know' genuienally (one day i will learn to spell that word) nice people - you can tell I think even on the internet, with genuiene concern and good thoughts for other people. Like you say it restores your faith in humanity. :)

Spiller5 said...

We should all hook up one day and have one big multi cultural drink. I suggest Barbados whos in?

Daughter of Night said...

::::::on expedia.com::::::: Barbados, indeed!! ;-)

David said...

I'm in!

A few problems...

Ahem.. a few people won't show their face on their blog, how are we going to know who they are in Barbados? Costume party? LOL

Also the wife doesn't know about all of you so it would be hard to explain why I know so many people in Barbados and why they're all calling me Raw Thoughts :)

Time Traveller said...

HAHA! just reading this back. I'm up for Barbados.

It's a shame to think I'll never meet you guys. :)