February 01, 2007

Molly Ivins R.I.P.

Molly Ivins died today. I detested the womans writing and thought she was intellectually dishonest but never missed a chance to read her column. Her ridiculous positions helped me strengthen my arguments. While I hated what she had to say I did admire her courage for saying what she believed the way she wanted to say it. She carved her own path in the journalism world and for that I take my hat off. Good-bye Molly I will miss the opportunity to yell at the paper in the way only you could make me do.


Daughter of Night said...

I'm noting that the Detestable Molly Irvins is not afraid to show her face...


Daughter of Night said...

I spelled her name wrong. Sorry, Molly!

I just noticed that your little yellow smiley guy is blowing us kisses!!!!!!!!!!

Now I feel loved!!


David said...

Molly's picture was taken by a profesional, then air brushed, then printed mostly in black and white.

Fine, I will post some kind of picture of my face by tomorrow.
I would hope that others will do the same. :) (of their face not mine)

Yeah, it's like a vilentine smiley for the month of February.

Daughter of Night said...

You've already seen my old mug... I'm looking forward to seeing yours. ;-)

Jen said...

Great post.

Daughter of Night said...

I wish I could post on your blog!! I would write a post about you.

I'd tell all your readers how conscientious and courageous you are. I'd tell them about your commitment to a lifetime of learning and your "gift of gab." I'd explain that your seeming humility is exactly as it seems and not a ruse to pick up hot chicks at all. :-)

I'm so glad you found me. I learn from you every single day.


Jen said...

Everyone thinks your special.

David said...

Thank you *blushing*