March 08, 2007


I'm more than irritated. This kind of stuff shouldn't bother me but it really gets under my skin. A topic the wife and I discuss every so often is who would raise our children if something should happen to us. We have been over the list many times and there really isn't any good options. In the end we decided on my sister because she would love them and provide for them even if she wouldn't be there emotionally for them.

Well yesterday the wife was talking to her sister when her sister told her if something happened to us she would take the kids. Let me just say this will never happen. The reason plain and simple, she thinks her family is better than my family. She has a one year old son that she has only let around my children twice. She came to our last two birthday parties without her son claiming there would be to many kids and to many germs. WTF?

She is a registered nurse that was always going to marry a doctor and she did. She lives in a gated community in a big house. She doesn't work, she has a nanny to help with her child and she spends most of her days at the gym or at the spa. All I can say is we knew her when and she has not always been so high class.

The fact that we have never asked her or her husband for anything including medical advice about us or our children, their nieces and nephews, doesn't seem to earn their respect. The fact that she calls us about parenting questions all the time doesn't earn it either. We have also loaned her money and loaned them a lot of furniture that is in their nice big house. For the life of me I can't understand why she would feel like her family is better than mine but it pisses me off.

Of course the wife was to nice to tell her we wouldn't take her up on her offer but she didn't hesitate to tell the wife she was planning on letting a doctor friend of theirs take care of her child should they die. What does that say? That she's good enough to raise my kids but we aren't responsible enough to raise hers? Bullshit!


Daughter of Night said...

The simple answer to this dilemma is to stay around long enough to be a burden on your children.


Ah, family is just another aspect of what makes this life so grand, isn't it? At least you know with certainty that you can spend your "extra" money on cruises and cool toys for the kids because you won't be needing it to raise your niece/nephew. :-)

harbinger said...

She sounds like a real winner, no wonder you are more than irritated, I don't know how else you could be.
I hear about things like this in families and I am amazed that anyone lets it go on for so long.
They talk about keeping the peace and Oh that's just how she is.
She only let her kid around yours twice! She thinks she is so far above you guys that you should just know it and get used to it.
I don't care what anyone says, I would be so in her face about all that crap, I would force a major showdown. The way I see it there is nothing to lose, nothing at all.
All I am is saying is that it is bugging you so it is something that should be dealt with.

And she would also be told you can't buy or borrow or marry CLASS.
You either have it or you don't, and she sounds like she don't.


David said...

Our plan is to definitely stay alive :) I think it's a good one.

"Extra" money...hmm.... I can't say I'm familiar with that term, sounds nice though...

David said...

HB: Everything you said is right.

I've known her for 20 years so she can pretend to other people all she wants, we know better.

We have always gotten along fine because I really don't care how she acts, until now that it has to do with my children and even now it's just an irritation because she was never in the running.

I think she thinks that we're so dumb we don't notice. You know not being doctors and all. It's my wifes family so I tend to stay out. If she wants to put up with it I can live with it, to a point.

Time Traveller said...

Just rise above it and smile. :) what else can you do. You know you're more intelligent than she is. Anyone who thinks they are better people because they have money has to be dumb.

How cares what she thinks. Just laugh at her. She wont know whats going on :)

The F/P said the other day that his brother (some high ranker policeman who married a barrister) wanted a hymn at his dad's funeral - non of them are religious. He wanted the hymn to please his mates. WTF? he sounds just like your sister. I can't be bothered with people like that. No time.

David said...

20 Something that's exactly what intend to do :) agian, to a point

But they don't have money just debt, that's the funny part.

That's sister-in-law, my sister is the other problem :)

Jen said...

Being born in the same family doesn't make you family. It sounds like she knows that.

If it makes you feel better you can have my kid when I pass on. Shoud be any day now too.

David said...

Well Jen he does look like a great kid :)
Where have you been? I thought maybe things were going better. I guess not, huh? :(

20 Something: I thought about your hymn comment and it just hit me. Isn't a hymn suppose to be for God? Oh he's playing with fire, that is if you believe in God and all :) Just to be safe tell The F/P not to stand near him, you know with the lightning strikes and all.

Jen said...

Thanks! He is a pretty cool kid.
I've been around. Mostly dying. Just trying to adjust to the new meds. Again.
I'll write soon.

Freak said...

She sounds like real fun!!! My sister is like that a bit - thinks that she is great because she has more money . Really irritates me because most people I know don't have a great deal of money and are super intelligent!

Let her think that she is the better person - we know she isn't!

Time Traveller said...

David: His brother sounds like a real arse. Yeha non of his family are religious, he wanted the hymn to impress his mates apparently. Seems like an odd thing to do when everyone else is grieving who knows. Just goes to show everyone has a family member they don't get on with. The F/P doesn't seem to care though. Thats the way it should be. You can try and understnad your sister and in law but if they don't want to be understood, what can you do?

Its nice to be able to have someone (your wife) to laugh at them with though. feck em. You'll live till your 100. :)

harbinger said...

Jen, hang in there, can I read your blog?
Raw, am I the only one that says bloody do something about people that act like arseholes around your family.
Some people must be enlightened to the the fact they are, with their knowledge or without their knowledge
screwing with you and yours and it will not be tolerated.
Why would anyone want such behaviour to continue?
To me that's the kind of stuff that slowly eats you up.
I just can't believe all these, 'Oh what can you do,' comments.

David said...

HB: I know what you're saying and I can't say you're wrong but there are some important factors to consider.

One, in the end do I care what she thinks? NO

two, if I do confront her will it change anything? NO

Three, I have to see her several times a year no matter what either of us think

Four, is what she thinks true? NO

Five, It's my wife's family and I know better than to step into to much with that.

six, as her son grows up she will realize that kids aren't perfect and the higher she places him on a pedestal the further he has to fall.

seven, Just the fact that she has to call us to ask parenting questions, most are medical in nature, shows she knows the truth even if she doesn't act that way.

The only time I could see me confronting her is if she directly insulted my family or caused my kids to feel bad, other than that it's not worth it.

In other words pick your battles wisely.

harbinger said...


harbinger said...

all notes recorded in Gratitude

will energetically gather

as saving Grace for

up-coming opportunities to play.

record daily Gratitude as matter of discipline ,

cultivating safe haven for

Now aligned

happynings, harbingers and ground crew alike .

consider wisely

true matters at heart,

as time will remember Now hence.