March 11, 2007

Attitude, and a growing hatred for a little red man!

This is the t-shirt I wore this weekend, I think it pretty much says how I was feeling.

I think our cat was feeling the same way. (she's asleep)

On a side note, if you have a two year old, and if you move her from her crib to a real bed for the first time, and if this particular two year old has a Tickle-Me-Elmo-doll that tells her it's time for bed at 8:00 among other things, for the sake of sanity please throw Elmo in some water, under a bus or in a dumpster. At the very least take the damn batteries out of the thing. Apparently they forgot to tell Elmo about day light saving time. We've already lost an hour of sleep thanks to the turning of the clocks, now Elmo has the late night party started. Damn that little red man!


High Power Rocketry said...

: )

Time Traveller said...

LOL! :) thats made me laugh out loud!

Time Traveller said...

oh can you send me that T-Shirt please :( having a bad day.

David said...

Well at least I made you laugh :) my lack of sleep from last night is not making for a good monday either :(

I hope the weekend was good with your mom and all :)

Daughter of Night said...

Poor thing.

I don't suppose it would help to say that I miss the days when my kids were young enough to have Tickle-Me-Elmo?



David said...


Daughter: I'll send 20 Something the t-shirt and you the elmo

Time Traveller said...

Just carry on maing us laugh. I need it for one :)

Freak said...

That T shirt is spot on ! I want one - where did you get it from?

Awww your cat looks soooo cute.

As for the little red man - I want one of those too!

Daughter of Night said...

Send Lindsay the ELmo... I just wish my kids were still little.


David said...

Daughter: after these last few weeks I might just send you the kids :)

Lindsay: I'll ask the wife about the shirt. Apparently she saw it and thought of me, go figure.

As far as the cat, I really hate to say this knowing how you and harbinger feel about them but when I saw her asleep like that I was hoping she was dead *ducks for cover* She's 20 years old and has been a pain in my ass from day one. She has brought little joy to our lives and what's worse, she hates the wife and follows me everywhere. I would never do any harm to her but I am waiting for her to pass on, sooner is better than later. Don't hate me for that but if you lived with her you would understand. :)

Freak said...

Totally understand. The cat we have at home I detest. I love cats, but this one is big, fat and ugly. But cats are clever, they always go to people they know don't like them, unlike dogs who sense it and quickly move away.

He is a bully to my cat Pebbles and is incredibly greedy. We have tried putting him on a diet but it never works - he just rummages throught peoples' bins - once he brought a turkey leg through the cat flap ( as if nicked from some ones' table)

My dad does not like him one bit - he is just a pain in the arse! Like humans, not all cats are perfect.

Marianita said...

While I'd have to agree with everyone on the shirt, I'm backwards in the sense that I LOVE cats and HATE Elmo! I've always been more of a Grover lover!

I wish that *I* was at that age when I was young and still watching Sesame Street!!!


David said...

YOU HATE ELMO??? yeah, me too. :) His voice really gets on my nerves. I always thought Grover was a wimp. I use to pretend I was the Cookie Monster and beat him up and steal his cookies. And what's with him slapping everyone on the back? Kind of a Muppet sucker punch if you ask me. At least Ms. Piggy does a full frontal assault. I always thought she could take Animal the drummer. He never scared me.(much)... Not that I care about that stuff anymore or think about it... at all...ever.

harbinger said...

I figured if I say something here people might forget about your adulthood obsession with Sesame Street.
OOPS... didn't work.

David said...

There were 13 comments before you left yours HB, I'm wise to your tricks. :)

harbinger said...


Marianita said...


But yeah, he is pretty whimpy.

Ernie would have to be my second favorite. I'm all about comedy : )

Is it true that the cookie monster has been changed to a veggie muncher or something like that???

David said...

It is not true that the Cookie Monster is a vegetarian now! That's a vicious internet rumor. I'm pretty sure it was started by Elmo but nobody knows for sure. It wouldn't surprise me though. Elmo is like that you know.

Ernie is funny but I always found it strange that him and Bert lived together. Never saw them date anyone either. Really makes me wonder. Ernie always had a weird laugh. I sometimes imagine your laugh would sound the same. :|

Marianita said...


I've been so behind on other people's blogs and I just saw this outlandish claim that I laugh like Ernie!

I'll have you know, I giggle like a chubby young German schoolboy.

David said...

'Outlandish' sure seems like a strong word to use here. These are only muppet comments you know.

So to be fair I'll pretend you didn't say it and keep imagining you with an Ernie laugh, as that is what pleases me. LOL