March 27, 2007

The gray will stay, next time

My hair has started turning gray. A fact my wife never misses a chance to point out. She is always bugging me to do something about it. The other day she bought some stuff you kind of shampoo in and rinse out. The gray should be gone.

After thinking about it for a few days I agreed to use the stuff. I mean really, what do I care? She has to look at it not me, right? Well she may have to look at it but I have to live with it.

By now you have probably guessed it didn't go well. Even though I only left it in half the time it said to, two and a half minutes, it still turned it too dark. What was worse by the next day it seemed to be getting darker.

I was really surprised at my reaction to it as well. I'm the type person who really doesn't care if my hair is sticking straight up or plastered to my head. Gray or gone, hey that's life, it's still me. But I was dreading going to work. I think I was having a problem because it was so obvious that I had tried to alter my appearance. That people would think my gray hair had bothered me so much that I couldn't live with it. I even considered wearing a hat. That of course would draw more attention and right to the area I was hoping nobody would notice. No hat.

At work only a few people commented on how dark my hair was but it was obvious when talking with people they were looking at my hair and not my eyes. Come on people it's just hair not boobs. Needless to say I was very self conscious about it. Then around closing time I remembered I was going to the gym that night.

OMG! I'm still having the whole Matt Hughes problem going on. Only now it has become six fold. Yes, there are at least six guys calling me Matt, with the first one still yelling it from across the gym. My mind quickly painted a picture of me walking in the gym and the screamer, yelling across the gym "hey it's Matt Hughes and he dyed his hair." Followed by a lot of laughter of course. Thank God that didn't happen. I did wear the hat to the gym. An admitted defeat that my appearance does matter to me more than I thought.

I figured at the gym nobody would notice me wearing a hat, everybody does every now and then. What I hadn't thought through was the hat I wore was a college hat that people either love or hate. So all night people were walking over to me to talk about my hat, that was on my head, that was suppose to be covering hair, so I wouldn't draw attention to myself. Great plan huh? I managed to get through the work out with no comments on my hair but a zillion close calls (in my sick mind that is).

When I got home I asked my wife how long my hair would be like this. With a big ass smile she said "as much as you wash it not long, about six weeks." One things for sure, I have to get a new hat.


Daughter of Night said...

I'm not laughing AT you, sweetheart...

I'm laughing FOR you.

Well, now you know. Wash your hair every day and you'll notice it starting to fade in about a week, getting better all the time.

I'm really proud of you for not caring (other than listening to your wife's opinion on the subject). I've been "chemically dependent" for so many years now, I don't even remember what color my hair really is. I know only that it's more than 50% gray now, and that I know only from the root growth that I see for about a week before I "touch up." I started coloring when I had about 25% gray. I wish, I wish, I WISH that I had been as strong as you are and just let it be.

I have a cool 2006 5.11 Challenge (it's a shooting competition) hat that I could send to you if you want it? Seriously!! let me know...

harbinger said...

I wouldn't think people would care one way or the other these days with all the things they do to themselves today.
We need a before and after shot of you, then maybe we will laugh.Ha!

My hair is still the same as it ever was, but I would be like you if it changes, whatever.

Time Traveller said...

HAHAHA! :') you make me laugh. Just a normal bloke bumbling along in life, trying to be normal.

You should ask your wife how she would feel if you bought her a padded bra (if she has small boobs) or something similar.

Actually don't do that. Just ask her how she would feel if you bought her hair dye.

You could always shave it off?

A hat in the gym? blimey. I think the music would stop and someone would have to let the tumble weed out if someone wore a hat in my gym.

Freak said...

I have always believed that you should just let nature do its thing. I can't believe the wife asked you to do this? She should just accept that that is the way things go! Some people look really sexy with grey hair! i.e - Richard Gere, Philip Scofield, bla bla! Women just look old with grey hair but men can carry it off better!

Freak said...

Just a thought but maybe next time consider some subtle highlights where the grey patches are? Or maybe that is just too vein!

Time Traveller said...

yeah i always say that, men look distinguished, women look like hags - with grey hair.

Then again womean can dye their hair and look ok. Men look like dirty old perves with dyed hair.

Let it go grey and show us the pictures!

David said...

Daughter: If your not laughing at me you're missing out because I am.

Pass on the hat for now. I'm being carefully about things being sent to me by females my wife doesn't know. ;)

Did you compete in the competition?

HB: I doubt anyone cares about my hair but people love an opportunity to laugh at you.

20 Something: I do feel like the normal guy that seems abnormal compared to the people around me :)
Don't think bad of the wife, she was half joking when she bought it. It was my dumb ass who used it.

I live in redneckville so a hat at the gym is as common as a fat girl with no date to the prom :)
(I'm talking about a baseball cap not a cowboy hat by the way) :p

Lindsay: My wife finds it fun to pick on me because she knows I can take it. She and her sister have a 15 year long joke going about how big my butt is. It always comes up when we're all together, I could care less.

Time Traveller said...

Your butt comes up? or comes up in conversation?

HAHA! Now i've got an image of you wearing a stetson in the gym.

harbinger said...

10 Gallon would be even funnier.

David said...

Daughter: I don't know where my manners went. I forgot to thank you for the generous offer of the hat. So thanks! :)

20 Something: Oh yes, this is great fun for the two of them. Something like "well it's big but not as big as David's butt" "well it would have to be pretty big to be bigger than that" "yeah he does have a lot back there" on and on they go. hardy har har, you know I'm sitting right here, I can every word you're saying. :)

HB: a 10 gallon hat would be more like helmet on me :)

Freak said...

HA HA - thats great you can take all it! Live it on........ enjoy it. I wish I was more passive, I would be less stressed I can tell you that!

Jen said...

I think grey hair is sexy.
My mom and dad are both beginning to turn grey and I think they look great!!
Most of the time I like the color of my hair, but I think going grey will be neat. I'm gonna be the old woman with the long stark white hair, who shouts at kids to get of my front lawn. "Before I come out there and beat you with my rake."

I hope your hair grows out soon. Maybe you should post pictures!

Marianita said...

I already have a dozen or so grey hairs on my noggin. I believe they are stress-induced.

I am down with the natural look but if I'm going to be 30 looking like Taylor Hicks I think I'll have to do something about it : (

Seriously though, men should definitely let the grey hair show. It's nice. Just look at Richard Gere. *Heart palpitates*

Or George Clooney *swoons*

David said...

Lindsay: If I 'know' people like me, I can take just about any funny comment they can dish out.

Jen: Your single statement that "your parents are beginning to turn gray" is almost enough for me to go back to the store and try it again. OMG! I'm only 38!

And remind me not to move in next to you later in life, scary mean old lady :p I think I'll go hide my rakes right now just to be safe.

Marianita: Grrrr I knew someone would mention George Clooney sooner or later :(
(yes, I know, sour grapes)

Daughter of Night said...

I started going gray when I was 15. :-)

SO you're doing just fine. :-)