March 12, 2007

Keep on smilin'


I'm still listening and still smiling. If anybody wants to change a song let me know. I'm really astonished at how much I've enjoyed your picks, most of which I would have never listen to if you wouldn't have mentioned them, so thanks. I made a few changes myself based on previous information.

Jen - Hero of The Day - Metallica (Kept Mad world)

20 Something - Yellow - Coldplay (Kept Like a Star, Blanket)

Daughter - Trust a Try - Janet Jackson (Kept One Step Closer, No More Tears)

Lindsay - How to Save a Life - The Fray (Kept You and Your Hand, Grace Kelly)

Marianita - Ramble On - Led Zeppelin

Harbinger - Witchita Lineman - Glen Campbell (Kept Plush, Vasoline)

Spiller5 -Place your Hands -Reef

David - Down Together - Refreshments

Daughter I'll be waiting for the story :)


Daughter of Night said...

Jimmy Buffet?? I HATE Jimmy Buffett!!

I had no idea he had a song of that title. Grrrr.

SOunds like you like it, though... so cool for you!

But it's NOT my song. :-) My song is from the musical "Wicked."

Daughter of Night said...

Oh... why not try "Trust a Try" and/or "What About That?" - both by the lovely and amazing Janet Jackson.


Time Traveller said...

oo Like a star, I havn't listened to that for ages! well a least a month. I used to sing that really loud in the car.

Turin Brakes - Mind Over Money.
I sing this very loud on Sunday mornings.

- what do you mean 'kept'? Do you mean you were looking for our favourite songs, ad instead of replacing them you just added songs?

Time Traveller said...

I'm really like:

Kathy's song - simon & garfunkel but Eva Cassidy's version is better.

David said...

Jen: :)

Daughter: Jimmy buffett was all I could find. Not the same song?
I'll try "Trust a Try" but I want the story to both :)

20 Something: I'll add Kathy's Song to start with.
Yes, I have enjoyed all of them so I haven't seen the need to delete any (except Journey :p)

I want songs that have some meaning to you or really get you going. If it has meaning, and you feel like it, please share why.:)

Time Traveller said...

Hummm Kathy's song is special because it's special to F/P. I

The only song that makes me think back (that I can recall now) is 'Yellow - Coldplay'.

I reminds me hugely of getting my first car. I remember the sunny day and being shit scared. I'd never driven a car on my own before, and I'd never driven that car before. I had to get it home - 50 miles away! I got it completely wrong and ended up in London - I nearly paid a taxi driver to let me follow him to get me home.

It was a great day though. I got home :) all on my own. I never had to ask anyone for a lift again.

Such a happy plesant song. They played it on the radio all the time that summer.

Freak said...

Ok here are a few of my fav's

The fray - how to save a life

Same jeans - the view

Pink - I'm not dead

Kelis - lil star

Razorlight - In the morning

David said...

Nice :)

I'll start with "Yellow" because I like the story.

David said...

Lindsay; I'll check them out. I'll start with "How to Save a Life" and keep going from there :)

Freak said...

How to save a life - what a great song! Really top tune. if you have any recomendations for me let me know!

Daughter of Night said...

The Jimmy Buffett song can't possibly be the same song... the one I like is a song sung by a female and, like I said, it's from a musical and wouldn't be a good "pop" song.

If you hear it, you won't need the story. It's intuitively obvious.

"Trust a Try" : There really isn't much of a story!! I was in an advanced Hip-Hop class for a while - the oldest person in the class by a long shot - and we did a choreography to that song that ended up winning at a lot of competitions - and it was a TOTAL BLAST to perform. When I hear the song now, I am TOTALLY PUMPED!! I remember the energy of the crowds, the challenge of the choereography, the hours and hours of rehearsal... it just makes me feel re-energized and capable of anything when I hear it.


David said...

Lindsay: I never get time to listen to "new" music. On the way to work I'm listening to the news or my MP3 player. At home the kids dominate the air waves with their noise, Barney or The Wiggles. I think that's one of the reasons I've enjoyed this so much, I'm getting good recommendations with out having to listen to a lot of crap.


They are not the same , I checked.

This is the Jimmy Buffett song.

I live on a big round ball
I never do dream I may fall
And even one day if I do
Well I'll jump up and smile back at you

I don't even know where we are
They tell me we're circlin' a star
Well I'll take their word I don't know
But I'm dizzy so it may be so

I'm riding a big round ball
I never do dream I may fall
And even the high must lay low (even the high must lay low)
But when I do fall I will be glad to go

Yes when I do fall I will be glad to go

I'll find yours if it kills me :) Any video of the routine?

A little side note. I just received an invitation to attend my cousins wedding. If I didn't have a two year old I would probably attend. Wouldn't mind seeing San Diego again. Yep, that's where the wedding will be :)

Daughter of Night said...

You did notice I wrote that I HATE Jimmy Buffett, yes? Thanks for torturing me with the lyrics. :-)

I say bring the two-year-old and let me babysit. It'll get my weird craving for little ones running about out of my system.

And don't kill yourself looking for my version of "Defying Gravity" from WIcked. You'd never listen to it other than the first time. :-)

I'm sure there is a video somewhere. I'll try to get hold of Robyn (the choreographer) and see if she still has one. That was just about five years ago!!

harbinger said...

Yes, Yellow by Coldplay is one of my all time fav's also In my Place, by them is great.
Last time around I missed out Radiohead, anything from their albums, The Bends, or OK Computer,
songs like Paranoid Android, Iron Lung, Fake Plastic Trees.

Now let me tell you that for the first time ever, I must be getting old. Going over to timmy's yesterday I heard a song on the radio. When I got home I searched everywhere for it, finally I downloaded it.
I made the wife listen to it, she said,"you are officially getting old dear,"
The song is Witchita Lineman, Glen Campbell.
Makes me cry does that song, don't ask me why, do repressed memories count?

David said...

Daughter: I think I did notice you wrote something about our pal Jimmy :p
I guarantee my two year old will cure you of your craving. She threw her banana at me yesterday just because I looked at her.
and video has a long shelf life ;)

Harbinger: :) Well if it made you cry it's in. "Witchita Lineman" it is then. Is the wife retired too?

Daughter of Night said...

No banana throwing at my house... I have dogs big enough to use her as a chew toy and will be happy to do so should any fruit-tossing occur.


I second "Wichita Lineman!!" What a great old song... my dad was "a lineman for the County..." also. :-)

harbinger said...

Raw, yes my wife is retired too she retired a year earlier than me.
Actually my Financial advisor told me I should keep working for three more years, I made it two, then found out he didn't mean for financial reasons, he meant so I wouldn't stagnate!
Was I ever mad, I carefuly explained to him not to worry about my being bored, I could watch paint dry and make a good time of it.
I just have so many things that interest me like, playing guitar, my art, building furniture, buying stuff, (I am a shop-aholic, I love buying things.)How could I ever be bored, there is not enough time in a day!

David said...

HB: That's awesome. I really envy your freedom. I've been working on my retirement since I was 21. Lets see, I'm 38 and the way my wife spends money... yep, I'll be able to retire about 50 years from now :(

Any little harbingers running around?

harbinger said...

No, no little omens, no little portents. My wife and I have been together since we were sixteen years old, 31yrs.

Time Traveller said...

FLIPPING ECK! 31 YEARS?!?!?! sorry. well done. :) thats truely amazing.

Time Traveller said...

I need a Hero - not sure who by. The one in the film with Tom Cruise in it.

The lyrics describe who I feel :)

Time Traveller said...

A bit Gay I know .. but its cool :)

Holding Out For A Hero - Bonnie Tyler.

I need a hero
I'm holding out for at hero 'till the end of the night
He's gotta be strong
And he's gotta be fast
And he's gotta be fresh from the fight

I need a hero
I’m holding out for a hero 'till the morning light
He’s gotta be sure
And it’s gotta be soon
And he’s gotta be larger than life
Larger than life

Racing on the thunder and rising with the heat
It’s gonna take a superman to sweep me off my feet

Up where the mountains meet the heavens above
Out where the lightning strikes the sea
I could swear there is someone somewhere
Watching me

Through the wind and the chill and the rain
And the storm and the flood
I can feel his approach
Like a fire in my blood

hahaha! I'm such a girl! Or just horny again. damn it wheres Brad when I need him?

David said...

it would be a gay if I wanted him :) (your hero that is)

It's a good tune, no doubt.

Brad Pitt? You think Brad is hot? Damn! My wife does too. Except for his good looks, his height, his money, his charm, his smoothness he doesn't have anything I don't have. Ok and fame but that's it. Ok,ok he's hot. Damn it!!! :)

Time Traveller said...

yes, I don't normally go for the obviously good looking, but damn he's gorgeous. His sulking brooding thing - love it.

What else does he have? His love of children his cahrity work etc etc . The way he seems to look better with age. I don't know if I fancy him or if I'm jealous of him?

Alright if Angelina can't bear to be without him, she can come too. ;) joke!!!

harbinger said...

20 something: FLIPPING ECK! When true love unites, time stops moving in your hearts. 31 yrs is like 31 hrs or 31 minutes, they call me lucky, Iam only filled with gratefulness.

Jen said...

I don't think Brad Pitt is hot.
And I have "Defying Gravity" from Wicked. It's a great album!

David said...

Jen I think you left part of your comment out. Was it suppose to say "I don't think Brad Pitt is as hot as you"? ;)

What artist does Defying Gravity belong to?

harbinger said...

Are we talkin, Defying Gravity composed by Stephen Scwartz, sung by:
Julie Budd
Mary Carewe
Kristen Cenoweth or
Debbie Gravitte.

David said...

Thanks HB, scwartz helped me find it :) May the scwartz be with you! ;)

harbinger said...

anything about music, I can find it. I got people!

Jen said...

Indeed harbinger, it is "Defying Gravity" by Scwartz.

"Something has changed within me
Something is not the same
I'm through with playing by
The rules of someone else's game"

Yay for Elphaba. I know how she feels. :)

Raw Thoughts: Yes! I meant that Brad Pitt is not even remotely as hot as you!! *grin*

Daughter of Night said...

"I'm through accepting limits
Cuz someone says they're so
Some things I cannot change,
But 'til I try, I'll never know
Too long I've been afraid of
Losing love I guess I've lost
Well, if that's love
It come at much too high a cost...."

That's the one. :-)

Yay for Jen... she knows Elphaba!!!

And I don't think Brad Pitt is hot at all. So, of course he's nto as hot as you are!!

Jen said...

I'm full of smiles.