March 06, 2007

Lime green is on the scene!

Many of you may have read on 20 Somethings blog that she just purchased a house. It's not her first house but it is the first one she plans to live in, as far as I know. She's going to be the Donald Trump of England if she keeps this up, hurray for her.

Why am I mentioning this on my blog? Well I'm happy for her for starters but the real reason is to poke a little fun at her. Before she bought her house she was making fun of lime green rooms. I informed her that I in fact have a room with lime green walls and purple trim if you want the whole story. As fate would have it her just purchased house has a lime green bathroom. HA! (which she is going to paint )

Anyway, I told her I would post some pictures of my green room so she could see how beautiful mine looks (actually it's just the kids playroom) So here it is.


Daughter of Night said...

Can I come over? I wanna play in there!!!!

David said...

Only if you'll help clean it up before you go ;p

harbinger said...

I made a model car when i was a kid that I painted that exact colour, think it was a Pinto.

Freak said...

They look lovely ! Lovely room indeed! I think lime green can look pretty cool!

Time Traveller said...

pistachio darling. Its a very nice room :)

I wish I had a play room like that! I think my whole house is the size of that one room. You Americans are sploit for big houses.

And the comment about my lime green bathroom heres to you ... 'ppttttffffffff!'

David said...

I t really is a fun room for the kids. They kick back in their recliners and watch Barney (gag) all the time. Yes, they are spoiled.

HB: why would you make a model pinto? yuck :)

20 something: pptttffffffff right back at ya! ;) now excuse me while I go get something to wipe the spit of my screen.

Time Traveller said...

How rude.

David said...

You started it :P

Maybe this is why we don't feel like adults?

harbinger said...

I thought the same way about the Pinto model,yuk.
It is amazing that it never got rear ended in model land and blow up on me!

David said...

A good firecracker would handle it. That's how we use to do it.

Time Traveller said...

HAHA just read your comments about adults. Humm 'pttffff'ing is more fun as an adult, because you know you won't get spots.

- My mum would tell me I would get spots if I did that when I was little.

David said...

My mom told me I would get my butt spanked and I did!

I think I would have wanted spots as a child :)