March 01, 2007

Spirits Lifted

It's been a strange week. My uncle died on Wednesday morning, all three of my children have the flu but work has been going well. The combination of events and a few other happenings have had me riding the old emotional roll-a-coaster.

Tonight I had to go to my uncles viewing. I knew when I got there it would be sad and I would have to come up with something to say to express my sympathy to the family. I dreaded it for most of the day.

I couldn't believe my eyes when I arrived. The place was packed. The whole community was there. I have never seen so many people show up for a viewing. Some very well off and influential people were there to pay their respects. I had to stand in a long line just to see my aunt and my cousins. They all seemed in good spirits which I can only attribute to the high turn out. A few hugs from me was enough to convey my sorrow.

As I left I stopped to think about my uncle and his family. He was a quiet, humble, hard working man. He earned every dollar he had through hard work, mostly manual labor. He lived in this area his whole life. He raised successful, hard working children that are pillars of our community. It was obvious he had the respect of everyone who knew him.

Some people use the amount of possessions and wealth someone has attained as a measure of their success when they die. Others judge a persons worth by how many life experiences they've had. Tonight I saw a better way to evaluate ones life and my uncle certainly has set the bar high. Until tonight I hadn't realize that he was one of the richest people I have ever had the pleasure to know.


harbinger said...

See how many people he touched, that is the sign of a great man.

Daughter of Night said...

What an uplifting experience! Thank you for sharing it. :-)

Time Traveller said...

Its nice that you can take something good and holy out of something so bad. :) He sounds like a great man.

Freak said...

Glad work is going well - I have odd weeks like that too! One thing is awful and then something else is great. Life is odd!

He sounds very interesting.

David said...

He didn't come off as great or interesting, he was just down to earth. That's what was so surprising. Refreshing really.