May 01, 2007

Cute Counts, But Should It?

For the past few weeks my Dad has had an unwelcome little visitor dropping by his house. It seems this raccoon decided that the dog and cat food my Dad has belongs to him. He would come every night and eat all the food and open all the containers where the food was kept.

Eventually my Dad had enough and wanted him gone. He didn't want to shoot the little guy even though that's exactly what the armadillos get. I guess cuteness does matter in some cases. So he trapped him and brought him to work. Don't ask me why to work, but he did. The little guy was was indeed cute and didn't seem scared as much as he seemed bothered by the inconvenience of being caged.

Someone had the great idea to call animal control to come and get him and release him into a wild life refugee. After a few hours I grew tired of waiting on them and released the raccoon into the woods behind our business. There's a lot of land and a nice canal back there and I'm sure he'll be fine. When animal control arrived they informed us that they were there to put the raccoon down. Which surprised us but shouldn't have because they can't release something that may have rabies. Lucky raccoon to say the least.

Anyway, a few of us started talking about it and someone mentioned the movie Old Yeller. I saw that movie as a kid and cried like a baby. I will not watch Old Yeller to this day because I know I would have the same reaction. So I started thinking of all the movies that I refuse to watch because they would tug at the old emotional strings to much. They are..

Where The Red Fern Grows
Old Yeller
Rin Tin Tin

I was shocked to notice they all had a dog dying in common. What really bothered me is that while I know these three movies would make me cry like a baby, I couldn't think of one with a person dying that even comes close to these. What does that say about me? I have uncontrollable compassion for animals but not for people? How sad is that? Really, how sad is that!


harbinger said...

Great post RT, we are on exactly the same page, exept maybe I'm a little more emotional with movies,( I can cry at all kinds of them.) A few years ago I made a decision that I will never kill another animal again, as for humans...............,well,

Some movies that get me are:
Field of Dreams
American Beauty
Wizard of Oz(Over the Rainbow scene)
And the ones you said certainly would.

Daughter of Night said...

It's different with animals, especially dogs.

My MSU complains all the time about my dogs: how messy they are, how they dig in the backyard, how they track mud and other disgusting substances into the house, and how they are generally hard on furniture and floors. Not to mention the fact that they lose their freaking minds everytime someone comes to the door.

I tell him that all of that inconvenience doesn't come close to payment for the services they provide to me, free of charge and with wholehearted enthusiasm. I know that both dogs (they are purebred Doberman Pinschers) would die protecting me and my kids, without pause or question. They comfort me when I am hurt, tired, and sad. They make me laugh with their antics and amaze me with their unflagging loyalty and incredible dedication to their jobs - which they do because that's what they DO and not because they get benefits, pay raises, or awards. They are waiting for me when I come home and react to my entrance with a joy that is unparalled in human relationships. They patrol our grounds with a grace, dignity, and attentiveness that is unmatched in human peacekeeping.

Each time I've lost a dog, I've sworn that I would never have one again - for just the same reason that you won't watch "Old Yeller." But, I always change my mind. That very unique heartbreak is worth it, every time. It is the price I pay for a relationship that isn't possible with another human.

Freak said...

That's not sad - that's life! I think many people are like this. This sounds sad, but I think I love my cat more than some of my friends, in fact I love her the same as my closest family members.

It's because they can't talk I think that people think it's sad. But animals do communicate in their own way - they are very clever and have amazing souls.

harbinger said...

What, they can't talk?

David said...

HB: I did shed a few tears watching "I, Robot" with Will Smith. So I guess you never know.

Define Human? :)

Daughter: Dogs are amazing, I've been blessed to have two awesome dogs in my life. I know what you mean about doing their job too. Since we live in the woods a big dog is better than a security alarm and a great deterrent to criminals. Sounds like your dogs are gems :)

I have noticed every time I lose a dog I keep myself from getting as attached to the next one. Seems I'm build walls in all directions :(

Lindsay: It is life, but if a person doesn't shed a tear watching "Old Yeller" they're not human or at least part of their heart is missing.

No, animals can't talk and I know the innocences that comes with that is part of our desire to protect them but I can watch movies where babes die and feel nothing. It's great that you have found something you get so much comfort and pleasure from. Your cat is lucky you found her.

HB: If you can talk to them I need you to tell mine a few things because one of them is really getting under my skin. grrrrr :)

harbinger said...

RT, you being close to cro-magnon you have nothing to fear........They call me Dr. Doharbinger, and yes I can talk to the animals, be happy to straighten out yer wee vermin.

I,Robot? that's just plain nutty.

harbinger said...

Cute sure does play a big deciding factor in life, they say attractive people get to the top faster, for one.
How about the rash of female teachers and their criminal conduct involving kids these days. The real pretty ones get off with a slap, and the not so attractive ones get the book thrown at them.

Time Traveller said...

Apparently British people give twice as much money to animal charities than charities for children.

It is sad that we have more compassion for animals than humans, but maybe theres a reason for that.

Freak said...

It's because human's are shit! Ok that was a joke don't take that too seriously!

Freak said...

Another thing I just thought of. When people see babies and make a big fuss "AWWWWWWWW isn't it cute?" Errrrr no! It's ugly - all babies are ugly! If it's a tiny kitten though that is a completely different story!

David said...

HB: American Beauty! that's nutty too.

Damn! I've been wondering why everybody keeps throwing books at me, that explains a lot. I thought they just wanted me to read more :(

20 Something: It is sad. Maybe that's the problem with this planet, miss placed compassion?

Lindsay: Every child we had I thought was the most beautiful thing I had ever seen but when I look back at their baby pictures I can't believe we ever took them out in public. LOL

harbinger said...

RT, I don't really think it is misplaced compassion, I think animals need the extra attention because they are innocent and too many people don't have a clue how to care for them. People have many avenues to get help, animals are treated like crap in this world.
I'm with Lindsay!

David said...

I get your point HB but I don't think animals need us at all. They were doing just fine before we moved in on their turf. We only have to care for them because we won't let them be wild like they're suppose to be. I'm not pointing fingers, I'm as guilty as anyone.

If an infant crawled away into the woods and was lost and a kitten did the same, I would place my bet on the kitten staying alive. We need the animals they don't need us.

harbinger said...

Yes, but we can't go turning our backs on animals we have domesticated for thousands of years now can we. Newborn kitten and newborn baby would both not survive alone, they both need their mothers, just humans longer.

harbinger said...

Psst, you teared up for a machine, you would have had a hard time a month ago; I killed my keypad and had to bury it and buy a new one. Sad day.

David said...

Don't worry about me HB, I'm a big animal lover, always have been :)

LOL some keypads deserve it! But no I didn't cry for the robots ;)

Jen said...
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Jen said...

Go to Cute Overload and say "Awwww".

David said...

Jen: AWWWWWWWWWW except for the rats... rats = Yuck! ;)

Jen said...

Well sometimes you gotta take the bad with the cute!