May 15, 2007

Expectations met and exactly why I love my neighbor

After a great Mother's Day weekend I headed back to work all gear up to make a few bucks. Not long after I arrived I knew something wasn't right. I became very aware of my stomach and had the strong urge to get sick. I thought maybe it would pass or that maybe I was just hungry but by 12:00 I actually thought I would feel better if I could throw up and get it over with.

Since I wasn't doing anybody any good at work I decided to leave and go home and get some rest. When I came in the house the wife was surprised to see me. I rarely get sick, and hardly ever miss work. As a matter of fact I think this was my first sick day this year. So I went straight up to bed and went to sleep. Apparently the wife read my post "expectations" (not really) because she couldn't do enough to help make me feel better. I didn't really want anything except to be left alone but it was nice to know she was willing. My 4 year old son was sweet too, he kept waking me up every 30 minutes and asking "what are you doing?" After a night of praying to the porcelain throne and losing seven pounds, I'm getting back to normal.

The only thing I forgot to ask my wife to do was water the garden. Since I was finally able to keep some food down I decided to head outside and turn the water on myself. As I approached the garden I saw my neighbor attending to his horses. As usual he gave me a little wave, I waved back and that was it. No pressure to walk over and chat, no second wave as I saw him again when I went to turn the water off and that's exactly why I love my neighbor.

I've had neighbors where I had to peek out the window before getting the mail just to avoid a hours worth of conversation. I have had neighbors that offer help every time they see me doing a chore or comment on how I'm going about my chores. "Hey David, you have the mower set to low, your going to ruin your grass." Then I have to say something like "I'll try that next time." even though my lawn looked better than his and I have been doing it like that for three years Grrrr! I guess I should appreciate neighbors like that, honestly I don't.

My neighbor and I have an unspoken agreement, if I need help I will ask. If he is outside it is not to see me. If he wants to talk, he'll call me on the phone. If he goes out of town I'll keep an eye on the his house. He is the sheriff of our little town and he knows I would never ask him to "fix a ticket" or anything else. This agreement really works for both of us. I know he feels the same way, not because he told me but just by the way he waves and goes about his business.


Daughter of Night said...

Ahhhh, yes. This is what being neighbors is all about. I wholeheartedly agree and think you are very lucky to have such a neighbor!!!!!

harbinger said...

Sounds like a good arrangment with the neighbor, if my neighbors eyes happen to meet mine we do the, 'fake smile fuck-you under the breath thing.' Don't even know why, I've tried with him but he just grunts a lot. Oh well that's life, won't be for long, think we found a house.

Freak said...

It's always nice to know that someone one is keeping an eye on the house when you go away. Neighbours are handy for some things, but other things no no no!

Time Traveller said...

I always thought I would appreciate neighbours like that - most of my neighbours are like that. Not too much talking. Just a friendly 'Hi'. But I quite like Ray the Gay - it makes the street feel like home. :)

Time Traveller said...

and sorry to hear you were ill, sounds like food poisoning. have you been 'trying' to cook?

harbinger said...


David said...

I use to think there was no such thing as a good neighbor just good fences but now I now different.

Grunts a lot? HB, I think I would be moving too.

NO! I wasn't cooking. I caught it from one of those rug rats of mine. Don't even mention food right now, yuck.

Jen said...

I love neighbors like that! They're the best.

When we lived in the trailer park whenever I came out of my house my neighbors would ask if I wanted to "smoke down" with them. We weren't friends, I never hung out with them, and would always politely decline, but for almost two years everytime they were outside when I left for work/came home/got something out of the car/mowed the lawn they'd always ask... It was sad.
I once got drunk and crawled in a window just so I didn't have to tell them no without being an ass!

David said...

Exactly! :)