May 19, 2007


One day I will go crazy. One day I will flip out and lose my mind. I may go down to the mall and scream at people with vulgar language while wearing a pink bunny suit or stand in the street, blocking traffic and babble like an idiot on crack but that day is coming.

And when it does and you hear "a man went crazy today at the local mall" and you turn to your friend and say I know that guy he's an old blogger buddy of mine. I want you to be able to tell people exactly why I am in the nut house.

It's because my wife STUFFS EVERYTHING INTO DRAWERS AND CLOSETS! Every drawer in our house is crammed full of... stuff. I can't even break it down to individual contents because they are to many and they are so insignificant it doesn't matter plus it would just piss me off more. Lets just say I could dump the whole lot of it in the trash and we wouldn't miss it a bit.

So every few months I spend MY time cleaning and organizing the draws and closets until one day I find them full again. Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrr! Why not just take an extra second and put the shit where it goes? Or just throw it in the trash because I swear to joe that's where its going if I have to do it again! Right before I stick a needle in my eye. Did I say GRRRRRRRRRRRRRR?


Daughter of Night said...

To a lesser degree, I am guilty of the same thing. But I'm the one who gets sick of it and just dumps the shit, usually about 2.5 days before I realize there was something I needed in there.

Instead of going crazy, why not just wait it out and see how long it takes her to figure out she can't open the drawers anymore? She'll dump it herself at that point, I'll wager. :-)

Hang in there... I don't really want to be writing to you in an asylum, though it might be kinda cool to have bar stories to tell about my psychotic Blogger friend who is traumatized by junk drawers.


harbinger said...

There is nothing unusual about screaming obscenities at people in the mall, is there?
know what you mean though, except it's the opposite here, the wife has to have everything in a perfect spot and I tend to create junk drawers.
We came to a solution; she controls the upstairs drawers and closets, and I the downstairs. Works well because I am very careful about taking things out, and putting them back in the upstairs closets and drawers. (she sure is smart.)

Freak said...

You have every right to moan. I confess, I am guilty to stuffing things in draws. Must be a woman thing.

David said...

I can let it go for a while but then I need to find something and I can't, it drives me crazy.

I think the worst part is that when I start cleaning out the drawers I find 6 bottles of aspirin and 4 pairs of scissors. I ask the wife why we need so much aspirin and she says she couldn't find it so she just bought more, so it cost us money as well. I also find bills that need paying. I could care less if they're messy but you should be able to open them with out a pry bar. Sheesh!

It also pisses me off that the time she saves stuffing things into a drawer cost me hours later sorting it out.

Time Traveller said...

LOL! If i was drinking tea I would be spitting it over my keyboard :')

My mums a hoarder , so's my dad. They save everything, but when you need it you can't find it because there is so much STUFF. :)