May 05, 2007

Happy Cinco De Mayo!!!

Cinco Dancer

Cinco Drinker


Jen said...

It's not May 5th yet.

David said...

What does May 5th have to do with it? *scratches head*

harbinger said...

What is Cinco De Mayo? A sandwich?

Daughter of Night said...

:::::shaking head in stunned disbelief:::::::


Jen said...

Never mind. I was wrong, it's May 5th!!!
Happy My Mom's Birthday!!!

David said...

HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO JEN"S MOM!!! *hands cupped around mouth*
Think she heard me? :0

Daughter: I could take that two ways *scratches head again* :|

HB: I didn't see it listed on Lindsay's post so it must not be :)

Daughter of Night said...

I'm all for cultural diversity... hell, I'm all for a reason to drink beer... but America's blithe acceptance of holidays which have absolutely nothing to do with us is just one of the many "if you choose not to decide, you still have made a choice" moments that has led us to the ambiguous wasteland we now reside in. Coming so hot on the heels of the International Laborer's Day "celebrations," I have to question America's dedication to the protection of our borders.

If we truly wanted to celebrate Cinco de Mayo, we would hold our Mexican illegal immigrants to demonstration of the same illuminating spirit that resulted in thier independence from the French. We would expect more, NOT less.

(I live in San Diego. Cinco de Mayo is a big deal in these parts. And every year I look around and think, "your ancestors, who fought so hard for the tenets of independence, are rolling in their graves in shame and disbelief.)


David said...

Yep, that's how I thought you meant it. :)

Actually, it's not celebrated in this area on a large scale but since I posted about St Patrick's Day, which has nothing to do with us, I thought it only fair :)

It's my understanding that St. Patrick's Day and Cinco De Mayo are celebrated more in the US than their respective countries. Could that be true?

Like you said though it's all about the party, as is the 4rth of July and Memorial Day. Sad really :(

They did keep the French from gaining a foot hold in South America which could have easily spilled into what we now know as the United States. If not for Cinco De Mayo things could be very different here, oui?

Daughter of Night said...

I don't celebrate either St. Patrick's Day (remember that the "snakes" Patrick drove out of Ireland were the Druids and practitioners of the "old religion," and he did it by systematically hunting them down and killing them.), nor Cinco de Mayo.

But that's just me.

And I agree that we Americans LOVE our holidays, but only for their party potential.

Welcome to Rome, my friends.


Jen said...

My Ma says "I feel a lotta love today..." I said "Yeah that's cause I told my internet friends that it was your birthday so their all sending you some birthday love!!"

So thanks guys for making my Mom feel warm on this cloudy Cinco de Mayo!!

Time Traveller said...

you crazy americans celebrate anything. :)