May 23, 2007

Lesson Learned

A few months ago I lost my handy dandy sanDisk m240 MP3 player. You know the one with all of those 'keep on smiling' songs on it. I was pretty sure I had left it at my dad's garage when I changed the blades on his lawn mower but after an extensive search I realized I must have left it somewhere else.

As the days went on I started racking my brain as to where it may be and then it occurred to me that I always leave it in my vehicle at work and I never lock the doors. After that epiphany it didn't take long to arrive at the conclusion that somebody at work had stolen my mp3 player. I have to admit I was a bit sore for a few days sizing up all the little thieves to see who was the perpetrator of the crime.

Since I had no proof there wasn't much I could do so I went out and bought another, yep everything the same. Then not long after that I showed up at the gym and a young guy I know was walking around with my mp3 player. Oh how guilty I felt for thinking evil thoughts of my fellow employees. I was ashamed that I had allowed myself to give in to such thoughts without proof.

I started wondering how the guy at the gym got a hold of the player. Had he taken it from my gym bag on a night my partner shamed me into putting it up? No, that didn't seem possible because he was walking around with it without fear of me seeing it. Maybe it fell out of my bag and he picked it up or it was in lost and found and he claimed it. I had seen him talking nice with the girl at the counter. Either way he had no right to keep something that wasn't his.

I tried several times to get a good look at it to see if I recognized a mark or the play list on it. I mean really how many people would have Mad World, Wichita Lineman and Reef on their player at the same time? I just couldn't get a good look plus he could have changed the music. So I decided the next time I saw him I would ask him where he got it, and some other questions that would trick him into confessing that it wasn't his. Then I would describe the music that was on it and BAM! he would have to give it up.

Well the gods must have been smiling on me because I didn't see him in the gym for a few weeks and then my dad came into my office yesterday and plopped my old player down on my desk. He said he had found it in a bag in his garage. Yes, after all these months it was exactly where I left it.

So it was a good lesson learned. The next time I lose something I'll keep the finger of blame directly pointed at the guilty party, me.


harbinger said...

You 've got to be sure before laying blame these days, that's for sure.
On the topic of thieves though, I think they should have their hands cut off, I think stealing is one of the low downest things someone can do. How someone can take something that does not belong to them, and actually feel OK about it is way beyond me.
Afew years ago some lowlives stole my wrought iron park bench from my front porch. Can you believe that! It's a two man job and you would have to have a truck,WTF? If you came to my door and asked for it I would probably give it away.
If I was King of this world it would be a much nicer place.

Daughter of Night said...

I can't help laughing. I'm sorry!

But I'm glad it all worked out for the best - without gym standoffs and mass firings!!

Just another proof positive of Ockham's Razor: The simplest answer is probably the right one. ;-)

Freak said...

Ha ha that is a wicked lesson! But at least you have learnt from it that is the important thing! I must admit, I would have done the same. Why is it always easier to blame someone else?

David said...

HB: I agree, I hate a thief too! I don't think I would have their hands cut off because then we would have to pay for them to live for the rest of their lives. :(

And what would you call your kingdom?

daughter: Yeah, I'm laughing too! My fellow workers must think I'm a moody SOB and the guy at the gym... who knows what he thinks. I kept walking up close to him and making meaningless conversation trying to look at his player. That's probably why he didn't come back to the gym.

Funny how your mind can make a small jump and you run with it, turning your assumptions into their own reality. Dangerous :-|

Lindsay: At least I didn't learn it the hard way, with a punch in the nose. I don't know why I was so ready to blame others. I usually try to give people the benefit of the doubt but I think in this case I was embarrassed because I had convinced myself someone had put one over on me. Silly pride :)

harbinger said...

With you walking up close to him, he could have been thinking a lot of things, lucky you didn't say that you loved Glen Campbell,LOL.

THE KINGDOM IAM, of course.