July 26, 2007


The great thing about having children is getting to watch them grow and see them hit those milestones. If you're lucky you will be there when they role over for the first time, start to crawl, take their first steps and say their first words.

No less important are some of those milestones you can plan to attend. Such things as when they eat solid food, have their first birthday and go to school for the first time. Well, this past weekend my little girl had her first haircut. Some may think that these events are unimportant but not to me. There is something magical about watching your child experience something for the first time. It doesn't always go as I would hope but just knowing I was there makes me feel part of their life, because well, I am.


Jen said...

She's a cutie.
I remember Mike's first haircut. It looked pretty much like that when they were done.

David said...

:) Thanks,

Ha! I can't say I like boys with long hair but I bet he didn't cry. My oldest cried, I guess because the scissors were so close to his face and ears. Abby loved it because she got to look at herself in the mirror. She's such a girl :)

I was lucky enough to hold all three of them for their first cut.

Jen said...

Long hair looked good on Mike. He has a good face for it...

Very cool that you got to hold the kids for their first cut. Did you and the wife save a lock?

David said...

He has a good face for any hair style :) Why did you shorten it?

Yes, she did save a lock of each one. Probably stuffed in a drawer somewhere. What was cool was that I had a lock from my first cut. It is exactly the same as my little girl's hair.

Daughter of Night said...

Looks like she did just fine. She looks a lot like you!

David said...

Thanks, Yes, all three favor me but the oldest and youngest are almost clones. The wife's not happy about it but I eat it up because I'm adopted and my children are the first people I have ever seen that look like me.

She doesn't act like me though, she can dance :)

Daughter of Night said...

Oh, c'mon... EVERYONE can dance.

David said...

You, my friend, have never seen me attempt it. Believe me, EVERYONE can't dance. I'm living proof of that!

Jen said...

I can dance but I need quite a bit to drink before my feet figure out how to do it.

David said...

I think I can dance after I've had a lot to drink but the wife insist the alcohol doesn't make me John Travolta :(
*Travolta Stance*

Freak said...

Awww bless how cute! I know what you mean, these things are important. The memories stay there forever.

She looks very happy with the result I must say.

Jen said...

I dig the Travolta Stance!! Thinking about it makes me wanna groove (not quite enough to keep me from sleeping though.)

Daughter of Night said...

***Firm, unbudgable stance**

I stand firm on my belief that EVERYONE can dance. Perhaps not everyone can dance like they WANT to, but everyone can dance!!

Dancing is one of the purest self-expressions and Divine manifestations that we, as humbly embodied humans, have. Use it! And refuse to care what others think!!

**shooting at feet** Now, dance, dangit!!!
