July 30, 2007

"The people who do not dance are the dead." ~ Jerry Rose

In the comments on the last post Daughter of Night wrote:

I stand firm on my belief that EVERYONE can dance. Perhaps not everyone can dance like they WANT to, but everyone can dance!!

Dancing is one of the purest self-expressions and Divine manifestations that we, as humbly embodied humans, have. Use it! And refuse to care what others think!!

I laughed when I read it and this clip immediately came to mind. I offer the above clip as proof... no, not proof that Daughter is wrong but as proof that she is in fact RIGHT! While we may all wish we could dance better, I must admit that even what Elaine is doing in the above clip is dancing. While I may never be able to shake my insecurities enough to enjoy getting on the dance floor to shake my booty, I must acknowledge that I do have the ability to do so.

So Like Elaine, who at least had the courage to get up and do her own thing, the next time I hear the music, I... shall... dance!


Daughter of Night said...

I gotta laugh, for a number of reasons - mostly because so many people reference this clip when speaking of "inability to dance," but I have always seen it as a testament to the joy of movement regardless of the "norm." :-)

At my house, we dance in our skivvies and sing as loud as we can!!

Dance away... feel the music... let your body revel in it while your spirit soars free. :-)

David said...

LOL, I have often wondered how she doesn't snap her neck.

I too dance around the house with the kids, which amounts to me picking them up, throwing them around and spinning...good times indeed. :)

I take it you were unable to secure a video of your Janet Jackson routine?

Jen said...

I paused M*A*S*H to watch that clip, and I snorted when I laughed.
I fully intend to dance this Saturday (I have the night off!) and when I do I'm gonna think of you two!!

Time Traveller said...

I can't see the video at work :( but i did used to love it when my dad picked me up and danced with me :)

Daughter of Night said...

I could not find the video. As a matter of fact, I couldn't find ANY dancing videos at all, and I know I had a CD full of them. I am wondering if one of the kids took it for something and then lost it or threw it out or whatever.

Oh well.

I say we ALL dance on Saturday!!!!

David said...

Jen: I'm honored that you paused M*A*S*H for me, I feel important today :D

20 Something: My kids love it too. Not as much as jumping on me if I make the mistake of laying on the floor, but close. :)

Daughter: Saturday night it is!! At home of course ;) Shame about the CD :(

Ha! you just reminded me of these cheesy little movies I made of the kids when they were born and I am dancing in one of them *goes to hide DVD*

Jen said...

You're important everyday babe!!