August 10, 2007

Something smells funny

Maybe I shouldn't say this, but I'm going to. Maybe I should have more compassion for my fellow man, but I don't. I saw this article in our local paper and it really pissed me off!

More than 500 hurricane survivors living in government-issued trailers and mobile homes are taking the manufacturers of the structures to court.They're accusing the makers of using inferior construction materials in a profit-driven rush to build the temporary homes for the federal government.

A federal lawsuit contends that thousands of Louisiana residents displaced by hurricanes Katrina and Rita in 2005 were exposed to dangerous levels of formaldehyde by living in the government-issued trailers and mobile homes.The lawsuit accuses 14 manufacturers that supplied FEMA with trailers of cutting corners in order to quickly fill the shortage after the storms.FEMA isn't named as a defendant in this latest suit, but has agreed to have the air quality tested in some of the trailers.

What is wrong with these people? They're in trouble and they need help, I get that. I will be the first to say help them but WTF do they want? They complained that nobody was helping them fast enough and then when the process is sped up they sue?

Talking about biting the hand that feeds you! While they are not suing FEMA, yet, they are suing the very people who stuck their necks out trying to help them. Yes! Yes! Yes! The trailer manufactures are making money, piles of it probably but they were asked to speed things up to help the victims of the hurricane.

I'm not saying people aren't getting sick. I'll even admit that it may have caused some long term health problems. Hell, there are people who can die from eating peanuts so it's no big stretch to believe that inhaling formaldehyde can hurt some people. Being in the trailer business for 18 years I have inhaled the stuff plenty of times. I can tell you I didn't like it. I never sued anyone but I didn't like it.

None of this changes the facts that these people needed shelter and the only way to do it fast was to send out trailers that were still drying (for lack of a better term). You can only make things dry so fast. By the way, that wonderful new car smell is actually chemicals being released by the new materials used to make the car and yep, they may be harmful to you.

These people may not have many options but I damn sure wouldn't stay in a trailer I thought was harming my health. Nobody is forcing them to stay in these trailers. Help was requested and help was offered. What else could be done? Put them up in five star hotels? I bet these same people would sue because room service is to slow or the pool had to much chlorine?

If the trailer manufacturers failed to deliver what they were paid for or built a hazardous product then by all means FEMA should hold them accountable but if it was all caused in an effort to help people faster then I say there is no one to point the finger at. Yes, sometimes nobody is to blame. I guess what burns me up is these people are trying to profit from a horrible situation. They want to make money because they weren't prepared in the event of an emergency. Grrrrr!!!!!!!!


Daughter of Night said...

Once again all I can say is:

Welcome to Rome.

Time Traveller said...

It makes me sick reading stuff like this. I always try and put myslf in the other person's shoes though - the only thing I can get from this one is that they'e lost everything, are angry and don't care anymore. 'If I'm going down I'm taking you all with me'.

David said...

But I don't want to live in Rome *pounds fist on the table*

I thought my compassion was endless, I guess it's not. I wonder how many of them stayed in the trailers even after they thought they were being harmed? I wonder how many of them never thought they were sick until someone told them they should be?

Time Traveller said...

'I wonder how many of them stayed in the trailers even after they thought they were being harmed'

The health insurance companies should sue them for willingly harming their own health.

Last paragraph (urban myth apparently but nice story non the less):

David said...

Ha! Good point but I doubt any of them had insurance. I know there are people in those trailers that need help, people that despite having a plan in place just got hit to hard but there are also people there who are going to suck off the system as long as they're allowed. Bastards!

I read your link. If you would have told me that story was true I wouldn't have doubted it. Bastards! :(