December 18, 2007

Another "Living with a stranger moment"

I'm soaking in the tub and the wife walks in. Apparently there is some new show on TV called "Clash of the Choirs". I shit you not! Anyway, she walks in and starts telling me about who's on the show. She tells me this with enthusiasm. Blah, blah , blah is all I heard because, one I couldn't give shit and two I didn't know one person she mentioned except Patti LaBelle.

So she went on and on as I just looked at her wondering "who the hell is this person in front of me talking about choir music?" Never once in all these years has the word "choir music" come out of her mouth, as far as I know. But, never the less, it was her saying it. At least it looked and sounded like her.

After a few minutes, "blah, blah, who do you think will win?" I honestly didn't listen to a word she said because I was still WWTF (wondering where the fuck) this was coming from? So I just said, "Patti LaBelle?" To which she said " Duh!" smiled and with that she spun around and left the room. Assuming it was her in the first place.

Clash of the Choirs? Really????????

Who are these people we live with?


harbinger said...

It's a wild ride isn't it?

Jen said...

Sometimes I tell James what life looks like getting squished out of a woman. He looks at me like I'm talking about Clash of the Choirs while he's in the tub!
Glad we are all strangers!

David said...

HB: It gets wilder all the time! :)

Jen: I would look at you like that too. There are some things men don't need to hear. Squishing and choirs are two on that list :D

Daughter of Night said...

DAMN!!!!! I missed it while I was wallowing in freakish, sickly misery!! I've been looking forward to "Clash of the Choirs" for months!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

With me, no one thinks that's strange because I taught junior high school choir for four years.

But I can imagine your surprise to find that your wife (or alien invader???) really enjoys choir competitions SO much that it necessitated a breach of bathtime solitude to announce it.

BTW, "soaking in the tub????" Do you have time to be my "Girl School" tutor?


David said...

I hope you get to feeling better soon :(
The bright spot maybe that you get over it before the holidays.

I think the choir thing is on all week. You taught school?! Is there anything you haven't done?

Arrgg! I knew someone would pick up on the bath thing. Oh well, I guess it was better you than Darren. lol

In my defense I've been pushing myself in the GYM, LIFTING HEAVY WEIGHTS, getting ready for the big 40. The injuries are piling up. So the bath was to ease the pain from ALL the weight I lifted ;)

No girl school tutor for you you!!! lol

Daughter of Night said...

Yes, I taught school. That's how I got into my current job, actually. I loved teaching - really, where else can a person sing and dance all day AND get paid?? - but the curriculum was stifling and the administration lax. I needed something a little more regimented where I could make more of a DIRECT difference.

When you get to be my age, you'll be able to say you've done everything too. :-)

Jen said...

Aside from also being impressed about Daughter's secret teaching past, I was going to comment on the soak-in-the-tub moment but felt that it would come aout one way or another. Mwhahaha.
I was too busy daydreaming. *wink*

Time Traveller said...

HB - don't talk about his wife like that! :)

Choir? seriously? Why don't you take a sudden interest in something crazy like body building or something? ;)

David said...

Daughter: Then I have a hell of a lot to do in a very short amount of time. lol

Jen: *blush* I did dropped about 10 pounds this month getting ready for a Christmas cruise, so daydream on baby :)

20 Something: :) I'll have you know I was body building when we met. It would be like me talking to her about cooking shows. If I did that she would ask "Who are you and what have you done with my husband?" Of course if it leads to actual cooking, she would keep the new guy :|

Time Traveller said...

I wonder how she would take this post? I know it was meant to be a funny anecdote, but I just read it as if my b/f was talking about me - I wonder if I would find it funny, or would I think I was being mocked? :)