December 20, 2007

A Holiday Wish

In honor of the holiday season, I wanted to share a Christmas wish with you. I don't think I could express it any better than the brilliant Steve Martin did in the following clip.

Because after all, it is about the children.

Anybody else have a holiday wish?

'A Holiday Wish', by Steve Martin


Daughter of Night said...

I do!

But I'm not telling. :-)

Oh, okay, I'll tell.

I wish to win a trip for four to some exotic destination for at least two weeks. Since there will only be four airfares and accomodations, I will have to sacrifice and stay home alone while MSU takes all the kids for a glorious two weeks in paradise.

Yes, it's all about the kids.


David said...

LOL, I thought I was going to have to beg for a second.

I hope you get your wish, it's a honey! I wish I would have thought of it first. ;)

Anonymous said...

Christmas is about the kids, and this year there are no kids around me who still believe, so I am a bit disheartened. Up till now I have always had my brothers, then my young cousins, but they are all too old now. so my Christmas wish is to set down the markers for a family of my own. First step, find a woman. I am sure there is one around here somewhere.

David said...

The great thing about Christmas is the magic is reborn again with each new generation. I hope you get your wish, it's a great one.

I'm glad you made finding a woman the first step. Some might think it odd if you went for the children first :-/

Jen said...

I just gotta say, I LOVE Steve Martin!
Holy Moly do I love him!?

In fact I'm gonna steal this video and put it up on my page!!
I mean, I don't have to thank you if I'm stealing... but in the Christmas spirit; thanks!


David said...

Yeah, I love him too. Easily one of the top 5 stand-up comedians of all time.

:) It's not stealing. My blog is your blog :)

No holiday wish? *poke*

Jen said...

I'm just trying to make it through the holidays alive. I'm not sure it does any good to wish. It just leaves you empty at the end of the day.
I'll give it some more thought though, maybe there's one floating around in there.

Jen said...

I wish that James' surgery is just what he needs to feel better again.
He's paid his dues.
I'm really hoping that's a feasible holiday wish... Seems like he's due for some relief.
That's all I got.

David said...

That's a good one! I hope you get it too. Daughter got hers... kinda, in a small way :D