December 31, 2007

I'm baaaaack :)

Hellooo everybody out there in blog world.

I didn't mention the vacation because we were so busy with Christmas and I honestly wasn't excited about it.

My dad, who will turn 70 on his next birthday, wanted all his children and their families to be together for the holidays so he gave us a cruise for Christmas. My family, my brother, his wife and children (a 17 year old girl and 14 year old twin boys), my sister, her two girls (7 and 5), and my parents all went on a Disney cruise.

A strange mix of personalities but it worked and for the most part my dad got his moneys worth. The ship was fun, the Bahamas was amazing and the fact that Disney has their own island now is incredible.

The cruise was another reason why it sucked for the wife (and me) to get sick right before Christmas. In the end it didn't affect us to much and we had a good time. I'll post a few pictures for now. I'll blog anything noteworthy later.


Anonymous said...

Welcome home, RT!!!
Missed you!

David said...

Glad to be home.

I missed you too!


Jen said...


Jen said...

The water is so beautiful in the last picture. I could live on water like that forever. Next to the ocean with the breeze coming through my windows...
Ah, I'm going to sleep with that picture in my head.
Thanks RT.

Daughter of Night said...

Welcome home! Looks as though much frolicking was done by all. :-)

Glad you are home safely! I don't trust those cruise ships. :-)

Time Traveller said...

Oh that's a cute little butt:

The one in the red shorts next to Mount Vesuvius? :D

he he ony kidding. The photos are nice - you all look like you're having an excellent time sunning yourselves on a cruise ship in that lovely weather. I bet you didn't think of us once did you?

My invite must have been lost in the post? Bloody Royal Mail.

David said...

Jen: It was more fun to play in than look at. Cold though... and salty. :)

Daughter: Thanks, It was a lot of fun frolicking with my kids and nieces and nephews. Good memories!

What don't you trust about cruise ships?

20 Something /Time Traveler: I like the new name:) I can call you TT now. Ha!

lol, The boys both have my butt and my daughter has diaper butt.

No, I didn't think of you guys once. I thought of y'all many times. I had a few moments to sit and think for a change.

I was wondering why nobody took me up on my invitation. Damn U.S. Postal Service! lol