December 02, 2007

Now for something serious... just joking

As many people may know, I'm from the state of Georgia. It's not a law here but it's an unwritten rule that you have to pull for the Georgia Bulldog college football team. So I do and they do us proud more times than not.

This year they are doing fantastic. Ranked number 4 in the nation going into this past weekend. With this being the last week of regular season football all it would have taken was for the top two teams to lose. Impossible, I was told. I agreed too... then it happened.

Shock would not begin to discribe my feelings, as well as the rest of football loving fans all over the country. So natuarly one would assume that with number 1 and number 2 teams losing, the number 3 and number 4 (Georgia, yeah) teams would move to the top spots and play for the NATIONAL CHAMPIONSHIP. I shit you not, Georgia was right there.

But fate is a cruel ass BITCH! Not only did Georgia not move to the number 2 spot they moved DOWN to the number 5 spot. I could go into all the reasons this is wrong, and it is wrong but I won't. Lets just say the people who rank these teams are a bunch of &%$#*&@ asses (insert any and every insult you can hurl here).

Needless to say I'm mad >:(


Daughter of Night said...


I could care less about football, but I'm supporting you!!!!

Anonymous said...

See what happens when you follow a silly sport with silly rules.

David said...

Daughter: I NEED the support. Those fn' bastards all but stole my Christmas cheer. I like that you called them a ()*&^%$*#( harsh but dead on! ;)

Darren: I was going to suggest you see a game on your RV road trip. :)

The problem with major college football is there is no playoff system, it's all done by rankings. The money involved in the current system is too big to change it now. Bastards!

Anonymous said...

I might catch a game seeing as I am going to be over there. What would be the best team to go see (as a spectacle now). Should I hit the Giants stadium in New Jersey?

I was thinking of catching a ball game too. And maybe a basketball game.

David said...

:) I would try to go to a college game if possible, that's the best atmosphere. New York is a good place to see pro sports of any kind.

Basketball huh? I think the NBA is full of punks and thugs but to each their own.

Jen said...

I'll insert lots o' insults at someone if it makes you feel better even tho I don't "get" football!

Anonymous said...

Every professional sport is full of punks and thugs. If you are going to pay that amount of money to anyone, then your gonna get people chasing it.

Once I book the flights etc I'll sound you out for games that will be on when I am there.

David said...

Jen: After this past weekend I don't "get" it either. Bastards!

Darren: Let me know, I'll be happy to see if a good game is in your path :)