May 15, 2008

I got loaded last night

Because I live near my parents and they still work a few days a week at the family business, it's not uncommon for them to have an employee place something in the back of my truck for me to carry home for them, without informing me of course.

This irritates me to no end.

Sometimes I pretend I don't see it and ride around with it for days. When they ask where their stuff is, I just say, "Really, since Tuesday? Huh, nobody told me." Childish I know, but for some reason it makes me feel better.

I only mention this because last night when I left work there was a spool of rope in the back of my truck. Rope big enough to tie up the fn' titanic. My truck was almost popping a wheelie under the weight, seriously. It was apparently loaded with a forklift.

We have no forklifts at my parents house. Three guesses how it got unloaded? The first two don't count. grrrrr-er!


Gordo said...

Oh, cool. A big chunk of hawser is fun to have around. :-)

David said...

The damn rope is thicker than my arm. I have no idea what they want it for. It would sink any boat they could tie it to. :-/

Daughter of Night said...

I love it when you get passive-aggressive. :-)

Jen said...

I also love it when your passive-aggressive. It makes me feel good when I'm not the only one!

Maybe you should fill the back of your truck with something. Like piranhas. Or oil. Or jiggly women.

David said...

lol,I know it's wrong. It's hard with parents. They are great people, and have been so good to me and my family but they still irritate the piss out of me sometimes. In the end they know I'll do it. I always do. *sigh*

Jen: If I filled my truck with jiggly women there would be a passive-aggressive wife to deal with, minus the passive of course ;)

Jen said...

There is that I suppose.
Maybe you should try to make your wife see the beauty of jiggly women. I could help you with that.

David said...

I bet you could Jen. lol

For the record, I do like jiggly women ;)

Jen said...
