November 04, 2008

It's Over

The election is finally over, thank the Lord. At the time of this posting it doesn't appear that it will be close, which I'm happy about. The country needs a clear winner right now, not a mess that the courts have to clean up. That's not good for anyone.

I congratulate our next president Barrack Obama. I will pray that he has the wisdom, strength and courage to do what's right for this nation and all it's citizens. Also that he will keep his promise to work with other elected officials to heal this country.

I hope that the Republicans in congress will work with President Obama to solve our nations problems. That they will not sit back and let this country fall into despair in hopes of gaining political strength for their party. We the people deserve full representation even if the party in power gets the credit for moving the country forward.

This has been a long hard fought campaign and now is the time for our elected officials to take off their party hats, roll-up their sleeves and get to work for the American people.

I still have a lot of opinions about this past election process. And, as anyone might guess most of it has to do with the press. But, I will save that post for another time. Because now is the time to celebrate that, win or lose, we are lucky to live in a country where we have a choice.

God bless America.


Jen said...


I'm happy, but I'm sorry to RT.

David said...

Don't be sorry. I've been around long enough to be on the losing side of an election or two. I understand and accept that this is how it works. :) Besides, I've known for awhile who was going to win. The press has been telling us for months, haven't they? ;)

All I can do now is go to work tomorrow and start preparing our business for the changes that are about to come. I can honestly tell you that a lot of small business owners are scared of the changes Obama has promised to bring about. I'm one of those scared people. But, as I said above, I'll give the man a chance.


Time Traveller said...

Good luck x

If it's any concelation - we've just witnessed history in the making.

Freak said...

Good luck! I totally agree , It's great that there is a choice :)

Daughter of Night said...

I added a long comment to this post yesterday, but my provider chose that moment to reset service.

Probably just as well.

At the end, I agree: I'm on America's team, I'm for America, this is my Country and I will support the new leadership in any and all positive and productive efforts to revitalize this great Nation.

God Bless America! Go Team! :-)