February 07, 2009

Let them eat cake... but not so much

As the economy continues to limp along I've have had enough conversations with people to formulate my perfect analogy. If you haven't noticed, me likes analogies.

The cake analogy

Our economy, not to long ago, was very good. All the economic factors worked together to serve us up a big beautiful multi-layered cake of prosperity. But, instead of just enjoying a slice or two a lot of people stuck their whole face in the cake and ate too much. Now the economy has a belly ache and is bloated. As with any belly ache you can try to treat it with medicine but the real cure is waiting for the stomach to digest the food until it becomes hungry again. It will take time and the cake makers and cake supplies will not be in much demand. When we are ready to eat again we will be less likely to eat as much, as long as we remember the belly ache. Thus placing the economy on a stricter, leaner diet. Not as fun as gorging on cake but we can live a lot longer that way.

If you don't like cake pie works just as well.

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