March 20, 2009

Oh brother, Big Brother

What is our government thinking?
They don't like the bonuses that the executives at AIG received after the bailout money was given to the company so they are going to tax it back from them. Well guess what? I didn't like them getting it either but you can't just tax people out of money they earned in a legally binding contract. Well I guess you've proven you can but WOW! What a precedent you have set.

Talk about your Big Brother scenarios. I guess our government can TARGET law abiding individuals if they, the government, doesn't FEEL what they are doing is right. Isn't that what laws are for? This action being taken might make people feel better about socking it to the greedy rich but lets just hope our own actions don't attract the attention of our government and land us in their crosshairs.


harbinger said...

That's nothing, now they want to be able to cap Ceo's pay in companies that haven't even taken taxpayer money, plus they now are able to take control of any company they deem necessary.

You guys better start screaming alot louder before It's too late.

David said...

Hi HB!!!

I know. Even capping pay in companies that take Gov. money is dumb. It just means the best CEOs will go work for companies that don't take gov. money. The companies that NEED the best and brightest will be left with COEs not good enough to work anywhere else.

And all this talk about corporate jets. It pisses me off. Guess who makes jets, works on them, lands them, fuels them and flies them? WORKERS. Our local jet manufacturer, Gulf Stream, had orders for the next ten years until people started vilifying anyone with jets. Now they are laying off people due to order cancellations. But hey, at least the rich people aren't getting to use private jets, right? Well except Nancy Pelosi that is.

The way Obama is going at it the US is going to run out of ink for it's printing presses soon. Grrrr!

Hope you've been well :)

harbinger said...

One Big Ass Mistake America.