March 09, 2008

Show me the money!

CBS News recently reported a story about parents being paid cash incentives to send their children to school. My immediate reaction was this is wrong, wrong, wrong. After more information and a little thought I'm not sure how I feel.

Here are a few of the things that qualify for compensation.
  • $50.00 to get your child a library card

  • $25.00 to attend a parents teachers conference

  • $600.00 if your kid passes a standard test

  • $200.00 if your child gets a physical

If a family takes advantage of every incentive they could collect $6,000.00 a year for what they should be doing anyway.

So here's where I'm torn. I absolutely believe that parents are responsible for getting their children involved in obtaining an education. Especially when it's provided FREE of charge. Well except for that tax thing they take from us each year. BUT (you knew it was coming didn't ya?) should the child suffer because a parent is too lazy or sorry to care if their child gets an education? Is it the child's fault the parent sees no or little value in being educated?

Also, I don't know how the numbers work out but I would bet that the money paid out today will save ten times that amount in the future. I think an educated child, with a chance at a better life, is less likely to commit crime and be a productive part of society. Thus saving the tax payer money in the form of public defenders, court cost, police work and detention facilities.

So is this the answer? Pay parents to do what's best for their children for the sake of the children. Ah but this is a slippery slope. What about the millions of low-income families that put education as a top priority without getting paid to do so. How would a program like this affect them? Will they start saying "Show me the money"?


harbinger said...

Sounds like a liberal idea, keep expecting the government to do what the family should be taking care of and soon the government will be controlling every aspect of your life, ain't it grand.

Anonymous said...

Theres a few things to this. Is it means tested? I mean if I'm Bill Gates do I get the payout?
Perhaps it should be localised?
Will it be an incentive for some parents to have multiple children?

David said...

HB: My first thought exactly. Still, should the child suffer because of who he was born to? What if a program like this breaks the cycle these families get into?

I can't get my head around it.

Darn: Only low-income families are eligible.

Will it be an incentive for some parents to have multiple children?

I see you see the problem. How do you help the children without letting the parents take advantage of the system? I guess that's a problem with anything.

Anonymous said...

Suppose the only way to do it, is to reduce the payments the more kids you have. Would encourage recycling too. :D