April 24, 2009

A rose by any other name?

I'm not big follower of "Miss Anything" pageants, but I did take notice last week when Miss California was asked a question about gay marriage at the Miss USA pageant. When she indicated that she defined marriage between a man and a woman all hell broke loose.

Apparently, no one told her there was only ONE right answer to the question. Which makes me wonder, if there was only one right answer, why ask the question in the first place?

The question was asked by Perez Hilton, a vile, pitiful excuse for a human, who's claim to fame is a popular celebrity gossip blog. I don't even understand why he was there. I assume he only asked the question to have his agenda broadcast on national TV. When Miss California failed to give the response he was looking for to promote his agenda he condemned her. He went as far as calling her a bitch and more on his blog. I guess tolerance and acceptance is only reserved for those who agree with him.

The thing I found funny, in an odd way, is that Miss California never said she was against gays having the same rights as married people at the pageant. She even stated that America was a country where people had the right to choose.

Miss California, Carrie Prejean, said "We live in a land where you can choose same-sex marriage or opposite. And you know what, I think in my country,
in my family, I think that I believe that a marriage should be between a man and a woman. No offense to anybody out there, but that's how I was raised."

So why all the fuss? Maybe in the future the contestants should be given a list of acceptable answers to the judges questions. The only problem with that is they might become stereo typed as just pretty faces in high heels with no ability to think for themselves. Now how unattractive would that be?


Jen said...

Um... they are just pretty faces. *drool*

Who won?

David said...

Yeah, I know. ;)

I think Miss California was the winner for being honest. But, it was Miss North Carolina who was crowned. A nice southern girl.

Daughter of Night said...

LOL, your blog is just an excuse for me to rant.

But I won't. At least not here.

There is sooooooo much more to this than the question, the questioner, the answer, and the answerer. And ALL of it if f**ked.

Anyway... Happy Birthday!

David said...

You can rant if you want to. ;)

Thanks for the birthday wishes.