August 04, 2009

What's a second worth?

I watched the movie "The Curious Case of Benjamin Button" last night. Not a great movie but good. It made me think a bit. There was one scene though that made me shed a few tears. Odd how or experiences make us see things that might go unnoticed to others.

I've played a similar scene out a million times in my head before I ever saw this film. Strangely, I took comfort in knowing that the writer had thought about it too. How different our lives might be if just two or three seconds where added or subtracted at any given time? How an insignificant incident can set us on a path of destruction, enjoyment or enlightenment.

After the movie I went up stairs where the wife had gone to bed hours before. I gave her a little kiss as she slept. Then I fell into a deep, peaceful sleep. A sleep I haven't known in years. And I dreamed, I dreamed a gloriously happy dream. The first good dream I've had in a very long time.


Daughter of Night said...

The Divine speaks to us all the time. I'm so glad that this time you were able to hear. :-)


Jen said...

I thought it was a good movie.

And for a month (longer?) I've been thinking about how my life would be better (could it possibly be worse?) if only one thing had happened differently.

The ripples in our life are often self-propelled, but it also holds true that sometimes someone else sets it all into motion...

Time Traveller said...

I saw this movie a couple of weeks ago. I enjoyed it, I enjoyed it because it made me think for the same reason it made you think. They did the whole Sliding Door moment better than 'sliding doors' did.

My conclusion after many hours of thinking 'what if' was as always ... what ever happens, happens. There's not a lot you can do about it, we do the things we do because they are right at that moment, whether its to cross a road or divorce someone, some events like the girl who'd been dumped by her boyfriend, we have no control over, some we do.

What matters is how those moments affect us, or how we let them affect us xxx.

Oh - when I finished the film I felt a certain amount of calm like you did, but I didn't have someone to kiss gently goodnight ... it was my decision which bought me to that moment in life, but I was glad of it :)