September 23, 2009

Our new friend

This little guy showed up in our pond the other day. Sure he's cute. And where are the kids going to get a chance to watch an alligator grow this close? He's about 3' long and isn't afraid to get within a few feet of us.

Still, he will get bigger and you can not tame an alligator. We're having a tough time deciding if we should remove him now, wait until he's big enough to be dangerous then have a trapper remove him... or we could just eat him. They taste like chicken you know. (just kidding, but we have had people offer to catch him for the meat)

I don't know, I guess for now he kids can brag about their pet gator.


Daughter of Night said...



Removing him now will certainly not incur the costs that removing him later will. But then again, your kids have an awesome chance to see this little guy grow into the amazing thing he'll become.

Where is Mama Alligator????????????

Jen said...


I love the picture.

I also wonder where his Mom is...

David said...

No cost later. The DNR will come get him for free. The big worry is him snatching cats and other small animals off the banks of the pond. Oh.. and now we have some other new visitors to worry about. I'll post a pic of them tonight.

We live about a mile from the coast. There are a lot of small rivers that cut in even closer than that. He/she must have climbed out of one of them. I doubt Mama made the trip. If she shows up she will have to go, immediately.

Time Traveller said...

Oww - he is strangely cute. Leave him be for a little while longer? Maybe you can be his momma? I'm sure he'd enjoy some company in that big ol pond :)

Jen said...

What are the new visitors? I'm waiting for pictures.

David said...

I'll be a momma to many a animals but not to a gator. They will ALWAYS see you as food. Forget about it. :)

New visitor pics are up :)