January 14, 2010

Reality, a nice place to visit

As I was sitting in my chair,
I knew the bottom wasn't there,
Nor legs nor back, but I just sat,
Ignoring little things like that.
~Hughes Mearns

She told me she is the happiest she has ever been, that letting God guide her life allowed her to be the person she always wanted to be. "I no longer acted with my ego but now with my heart," she confessed. She had proof too, in the form of a letter announcing her appointment to the board of directors of a children's shelter she has been working with through her company. The letter was now framed and proudly displayed on her office wall for all to see. Furthermore, the pride and gleam in her eye was unmistakable as she told me her company's CEO emailed all 400 hundred employees to let them know she was the very model of philanthropy her company promoted. I was happy for her.

She told me that she had never felt closer to her children as I sat in her beautiful home that showed no evidence that children lived there at all. Not an easy feat with a 7 and 9 year old.

She told me that her new path allowed her to let go of judgments of others. Then she proceeded to tell me if I would just open my mind and heart to God I could get to the place where she was at. I wondered where she thought I was.

My sister recently asked me to come to her town, alone, so that we could talk. She wanted to discuss her religious and spiritual awakening. She wanted me to buy into what she said she wasn't selling very badly. But I couldn't, I can't. See, I'm more into reality and perception these days. I told her that too, not in a condescending way but to let her know I wasn't ready to travel her path. I explained my reality has been too real for me these past years to be able to look beyond it.

She said she had forgiven us all. For what I wasn't sure, so I asked. The list was long and eye opening. Mom, for her negative attitude towards her. Our brother's lack of interest in the birth of her children. The men of the house for not clearing our plates when she had to clean the kitchen. Dad for the few times he spanked her and us for laughing when he did. My parents for letting her friends pick on her. Dad for all the nightmares she had remembering the spankings my brother and me often received. Her ex husband for not being man enough to be her husband. The list went on and on...

Of course I realize that no matter how trivial these events seem to me they were traumatic and real to my sister. I didn't want to disregard her feelings but at the same time I was having a hard time relating to her pain knowing she was raised as close to a princess as I had ever known anyone to be. I was having an even harder time understanding why these events that happened, mostly, over 25 years ago were still issues to her today. So much of an issue that she said she almost cut us all out of her life a few years ago.

During the long drive home and since, I've been bothered by our conversations. My brain has been struggling with her version of reality versus mine. She says she's happy. She says she has only positive thoughts. She says she doesn't judge people anymore. I can clearly see she believes all of this, and therefore if she thinks she's happy then she IS happy, right? So does it matter that the things she professes to feel are the opposite of what she's projecting? Her happiness appears as loneliness, her positive thinking comes off as controlling, her none judgement seems condescending... But that's my reality, in her's she's perfectly happy. I guess that's where I need to let her be... and to be honest, it is a nicer place to visit than it use to be.


Jen said...

That's where she'll have to stay because you'll never be able to adjust her way of thinking. She's obviously staring in her movie, with a complete one woman cast.

It's good that you made the effort of going and listening to her, and also good that you recognize he different between what she's saying, and what she's doing.

When my grandma moved back into town, her whole manner was different! She just wanted to spend time with the family that she loved (that she up and moved away from because she thought we were all villains), she's not judging anyone else (except when no one is looking) and she owes it all to God (where as I think she's smiling because I'm such a great person!)

Strange crossing paths with someone who totally doesn't live on this plane of reality.

David said...

"staring in her movie, with a complete one woman cast" *clap* *clap* very good!

I'm not sure how to feel about this situation, which is becoming a common theme for me lately. I feel sad for her yet there is nothing to be sad about because she is happy. But it felt more like she was trying to convince me she was happy than actual happiness. Still, someone finding happiness shouldn't be an issue.

Daughter of Night said...

"I can clearly see she believes all of this, and therefore if she thinks she's happy then she IS happy, right? So does it matter that the things she professes to feel are the opposite of what she's projecting? Her happiness appears as loneliness, her positive thinking comes off as controlling, her none judgement seems condescending..."

I think you are a very sensitive and insightful man, David.

David said...

Is that a good thing or bad thing?

Jen said...

You being sensitive and insightful? I think it's great!

Irene said...

OMG! She reminds me of someone I know!! ;)

Time Traveller said...

Being sensitive and insightful I can see you're having trouble with right now. You feel it's leaving you open to being taken advantage of (forgive me for telling you what you feel) and being too empathetic is allowing other people to forget your feelings sometimes.

Similar to my sister, your sister's actions and lack of emapthy has left her sad, alone and confused. It's quite clear to see. She thought being successful in her career was going to be enough, she forgot about the things that matter and now she's questioning everything ... as we have both done over the past few years.

Hopefully she will realise in time the only person responsible for her happiness is her.