February 19, 2010

I'm sorry I might lose millions of dollars


Why in the hell is Tiger Woods apologizing to us? Why would we even care?

I wonder how many people watching Tiger Woods today have ever watched him play golf or ever would? You know, golf, the game he is famous for. I doubt many. As far as I'm concerned if he can make his transgressions square with his wife and children then what I think shouldn't matter.

Oh wait... what about his public image, right? Yeah, about that, if you bought a car, shirt or anything other than a golf product because Tiger Woods endorsed it you're an idiot. Seriously, why would Tiger know anymore about a car, razor or credit card than you do?

For me, I would have had more respect for him (that would be starting from zero) had he held a press conference, not said a word, teed up a golf ball and knock the shit out of it. Then he could have turn to the cameras and said, "That's what I do. What now bitches?"

... but that's just me apparently.

February 05, 2010

Funny pics taken at home

After his buddy disappeared, the remaining rooster made friends with our dog. Here they are napping together.

Apparently some horses don't like having their pictures taken. Much to Jacobs surprise and disgust the horse "let one fly" as this picture was being taken.

February 03, 2010

If it were me....

If I were president of Toyota....

I would hold a press conference about the recent recalls Toyota is experiencing. I would remind the public that recalls are a reality that every car manufacturer faces. That anyone who has owned a new car has more than likely received a notice in the mail to return the car to the dealer to have recall services performed. I would mention that the amount of attention that Toyota's recent recalls have received seems to be a bit excessive. Then, I would wonder out loud if all this attention from the government had anything to do with the government OWNING a large part of General Motors, one of Toyota's largest competitors. And yes, I would scream, "FOUL!" to anyone willing to listen.

Now, there may be no connection between the two, at all, but I would certainly plant the seed that there might be. This is why government should stay out of private business. There is a HUGE conflict of interest, that at the very least muddies the water, when government owns something it is suppose to be regulating, especially when the regulation centers on our safety. Duh! and double "Duh!!" to Toyota for not bringing this up.

February 02, 2010

Definitely a top 10

One of the top ten best feelings in the world:

Waking up in the middle of the night to realize one of your children has crawled into bed with you, snuggled up next to you and is sound asleep. It lets you know that they feel the safest place in the world, from whatever scares them, is right beside you.