February 19, 2010

I'm sorry I might lose millions of dollars


Why in the hell is Tiger Woods apologizing to us? Why would we even care?

I wonder how many people watching Tiger Woods today have ever watched him play golf or ever would? You know, golf, the game he is famous for. I doubt many. As far as I'm concerned if he can make his transgressions square with his wife and children then what I think shouldn't matter.

Oh wait... what about his public image, right? Yeah, about that, if you bought a car, shirt or anything other than a golf product because Tiger Woods endorsed it you're an idiot. Seriously, why would Tiger know anymore about a car, razor or credit card than you do?

For me, I would have had more respect for him (that would be starting from zero) had he held a press conference, not said a word, teed up a golf ball and knock the shit out of it. Then he could have turn to the cameras and said, "That's what I do. What now bitches?"

... but that's just me apparently.


Jen said...

Our thinking is the same on this topic. Woods is a tool.

Daughter of Night said...

Indeed, and well said.

Back in the day, when a senator from my home state was thinking of running for President, he was "busted" for some "indiscretions."

He would have made a fantastic President. And I wished sooooo hard that he would hold a press conference, walk to the podium, say, "yep, I cheated on my wife with a beautiful model. So what?"

But "what now, bitches???" would have been even better.

I could care less about Tiger Woods, Britney Spears, Lindsey Lohan, or any of those entitled goofballs that get paid a gazillion dollars more than I do for about a quarter of the work and have ALL THAT TIME to f**k around, use illicit substances, and do silly human tricks while their children are cared for by nannies.

Hmmm. I sound really bitter.

David said...

Jen, who's the real tool? Woods or the fans who support an industry willing to pay him 100s of millions of dollars because he can hit a ball better than anyone else??? But, yeah, he is a tool. :)

Daughter, I personally don't think his ability to hit a ball has more value than say a good teacher, nurse or an affective law enforcement officer *wink* but apparently the market does. Sad, huh? What I don't understand is where there is a connection between him hitting a ball and being faithful to his vows. As for politicians, don't get me started. The best people to serve this country would never apply for job because of crap like this. That and the fact that the last two candidates had to spend about a billion dollars trying to get a job that pays four hundred thousand a year. Ok... I'm stopping before I get going.

PS my fingers are crossed that your financial luck is going to get better... SOON! :(

Time Traveller said...

I'm not saying anything about him, good or bad because that's what he wants.

All I AM going to say, is he looks a bit like a transvestite? No?