October 22, 2010


I sit watching events unfold,

events that appear to go unnoticed by most,
yet they have a deep meaningful affect in
my head,
my heart,
my soul.
are all candy for my mind to devour
and calculate the meaning of
even if none was intended

I can no more stop analyzing these events than I can stop breathing air to live.

And just like air,
I have very little evidence that these things are real,
or that I am even aware that I am taking them in.
These seemingly unimportant events,
that strung together,
make up the vast majority of our life
affect me for reasons I can not explain
and to depths I might not admit,
or even know.

I just sit here, noticing, evaluating, comprehending and... changing.

I'm sure,
just sitting here,
to everyone else,
it seems that I am noticing very little
or changing
not much at all.
So I sit here,
looking like the person I was a moment ago
and yet so much has changed,
that went unnoticed
just a moment ago...


Daughter of Night said...

Hugs to you, David.

The beauty of poetry is that we all get to experience it our own way (no matter what you meant while writing). I feel pain in that poem, but maybe only because of my own interpretation.

So, with that said, you may find yourself smiling to know that I am divorcing MSU. Not because what I noticed in him (although that is part of it), but because of what I noticed - finally! - in me.

Thanks for the poem. ;-)

David said...

Actually I'm not smiling at all because I know how much you wanted, and tried, to make it work. Though, I am overjoyed to hear you finally noticed this "something" in yourself because, I suspect, it's the same special something we've known about you for years.

As for the poem, if that's what it is, it got stuck in my head. I find when I write things down I can let them go easier. Pain? Not really, just the realization that my thought process is different from most. Makes one feel a little alone knowing your view of the world is not the same as anyone else's.