June 03, 2007

A Big WTF?!

My Dad has people that comes to his house for certain services. Like the termite man and the guy that sprays his yard with fertilizer. When they see he lives by a small pond they always ask if it's stocked with fish and can they go fishing. We really don't care because we rarely fish and some of them bring their children and enjoy themselves.

Well it hasn't rained here in a long time and Friday night we went to bed happy with the knowledge that a storm was blowing through. We fell a sleep to the sound of rain on the roof but we woke to the sounds of a dog barking like crazy. I looked at the clock and it was barely 6:00 on Saturday morning. I went outside to see what was bothering the dog and saw three men in our small paddle boat fishing in the pouring rain and strong winds.

Apparently my Dad told them they could come fish 'sometime' but who the hell would come that early in the morning in the middle of a storm? WTF?! Of course it was my Dad's dog that was barking at them right outside the kids window. Yes, he woke the whole damn house up. So on Saturday morning we were all up at the crack of dawn instead of snuggled in our beds with the pitter patter of rain drumming on the roof.

People like that just make it where you don't want to do things for people anymore. Clearly they could see and hear the dog barking. They had to know it was too early. They could have stayed on the part of the pond that was hidden from view of my house. Of course they didn't, in fact they paddled closer because they wanted to fish near my bank.

If this sounds like I'm making too much out of nothing, maybe it's from the lack of sleep or maybe, sometimes, people just piss me off! Grrrrrr!


harbinger said...

Some people just don't have a clue, no class at all. In a million years I could never do something like that, wouldn't think it couldn't do it.
It's all about virtue, RT you and I are The Remnant. The more I read Bill Whittles essays the more I believe he is bang on.
If you have not read any he is at:http://www.ejectejecteject.com/

Freak said...

Sounds like something my brother would do!

Daughter of Night said...

Good God, I'm totally with HB on this one. WTF??? This is EXACTLY the reason my folks don't allow people to hunt on their land anymore - a whole lotta people are just selfish jerks.

Grrrrrrr, indeed. I think I'd have been out there with a shotgun.