June 14, 2007

The creatures next door

In our office lives these little creatures, some may call them sweet but not me. They are brown and soft with a solid white eye. To me they are very dangerous and I have yet to discover how to defeat them.

They live in a well lit hole in the office next to me. Strangely, the lady that works in that office is not affected by them. I'm not sure if she has some sort of antidote or elixir that keeps her immune, all I know is I never see one around her. I have studied her technique for a while and have yet to figure out her secret.

I think the worst thing about these creatures is their ability to stay perfectly still and still be able to strike. Their danger comes from me just knowing they exist and where they live. Despite my incredible will power I am drawn to them like a moth to a 1000 Watt bulb. Once in their sight the attack begins and I must kill off two or three before I can mount a retreat.

You would think after I killed enough of them, they would start to dwindle but oddly enough the next time I enter the office they have managed replenish their numbers. I secretly suspect my fellow office worker is assisting them in their plot to do me harm. I have heard her laugh on many occasions as I lose battle after battle with these pest.

All I can hope for at this point is that I lose my appetite for wanting to engage them. If I don't they will surely add negatively to my state of being. Someone once said "walk away, just walk away." Oh how I wish I could but that is just not a possibility at this point.

I did manage to find a picture of them if your interested in seeing one but beware these creatures might just be too dangerous to look at. I think I'll go see what they're doing right now, damn it!


Time Traveller said...

:) thats cute.

No word of a lie, a colleague has just handed me a doughnut :( I lasted all day too :( it's nearly time to go home. I only had 45 mins left :(

Freak said...

That really is a cute little story! Enjoyed reading that. Why is it offices always have cakes and sweets etc???

David said...

Not cute at all! :) Why do people at work want to eat all day? One person in our office brings me milkshakes all the time, BAH!

I'm trying to get in shape before I hit the big 4 0 next year but thses people must think we get paid by the pound, which in the UK I guess you do... but you know what I mean...or do you? This is confusing :|

Jen said...

*chomp chomp*

I'm immune to their power. Try having less teeth!! That does the trick.

harbinger said...

I like icecream with whippedcream on it then some butterscotch syrup and then a splash of coffee creamer.

You are getting off easy with a few candies.

Jen said...

Everything but the coffee creamer had me drooling! ;)

HB - Do you use flavored or regular?

harbinger said...

Jen, just regular, but I don't put any sugar on it.

Jen said...

Odd. Never even thought of coffee creamer as an ice cream topping. Carmel, butterscotch, hot fudge, coffee creamer.. Which one of these things aren't like the other one?

harbinger said...

The creamer makes some of the icecream like bits of ice, crunchy, a little added texture.

Jen said...

I stir my ice cream. Smooth like a milkshake, as such.
I never thought about the creamer, but now that you mentioned it I'm gonna have to take the plunge.
Do you use any specific type? Liquid, or powder? Put it on top, or mix it in?

Sorry to hijack your comments here RT.
Ice cream has to have it's place though!!

harbinger said...

Just pour on liquid creamer, but not too much.
I call it the 'Harbinger Killer'.

David said...

Damn! now I have to try it too.

The whole point of this post was that I didn't need people tempting me with sweets. Grrrrrr! Where's the bowl...




Jen said...

It's a funny connection that this post was about you resisting the evil sweets...
HB started it!!
Totally his fault. ;)

David said...

HA! I just looked back to see who started this ice cream talk and I noticed you stir your ice cream. ME TOO! I stir it until it's just like soft serve :)

HB, Jen has officially rolled you under the bus :|

harbinger said...


Jen said...

MMMM Soft serve.

I'm okay with gettin' rolled I suppose. -wink wink nudge nudge-

harbinger said...


Jen said...

Your comment section is ours!!

harbinger said...

Gotta change the title, 'Forced into Harbinger.'
(I knew there had to be a way to get more traffic!)

Jen said...

That's sounds dirty! ;)