June 23, 2007

It's just a book

A few years ago I was going through a tough time in my life. It was affecting me in many ways which included my marriage. Because I travel for work, listen to the radio, every now and then Dr. Laura would be on. Dr. Laura has a show on the radio where people call in to get help with their problems. She uses a set of strict moral codes to guide her decision making process, because of this most people either love her or hate her.

She also writes books to help people avoid the pitfalls in their life. I had already read "Ten Stupid Things Couples Do to Mess Up Their Relationships" when I heard her talk about a new book she had just published. At first I really didn't think much of the book as it was written specifically for women. Half the women who called her show admitted they would never read the book because of the title, "The Proper Care and Feeding of Husbands." The other half that called in had read the book and claimed it helped their marriage and in some cases saved their marriage.

So down to the local book store I went. They had the book, all be it hidden near the back. The clerk literally rolled her eyes at me when I laid it on the counter. On the way home I felt like I was caring "Satanic Verses" by Salmon Rushdie through the middle of Mecca. I made sure none of the book was visible to any women out of fear that I may be stoned.

After surviving the trip home my next feat would be to get my wife to actually read the book. I knew this would not be an easy task because she loathes Dr. Laura. I started to tell her about the people who had been on the radio and how they raved about the results. She seemed interested right up until the moment I said "Dr. Laura". Her head started moving slowly side to side then I said the title "The Proper Care and Feeding of Husbands" and I swear I thought I saw the flames of hell flicker in her eyes.

So with no other option left I read the book. It wasn't the best written thing in the world but it made sense. It basically said that women have most of the power in a relationship if they just understand what a man wants. The thing I like best about the book were the letters from men and women that really hit home and some even mirrored our situation.

So armed with the knowledge that the book was really about the woman having the power in a relationship I approached the wife again and asked her to read the book. I told her she didn't have to accept it or agree with it but just please read it. So reluctantly she agreed to read the 240 page book. After two weeks she hadn't started it. After three weeks she claimed to be to busy. After two months and four romance novels she had made it to page sixty. She never picked it up again. When I asked what the problem was she stated that she had discussed the book (the book she hadn't read) with a few of her friends (who also hadn't read it) and they decided it was garbage. It seems they felt any book that stated a wife owes her husband anything is radical thinking.

Again I tried to explain to her that if she read the book she would have a better understanding of how I feel but she was done with it, end of story. As I said I was going through a lot at the time and her not reading that book caused some resentment. I mean if she had told me there was a book that would give me insight into exactly how she felt I would have bought it as soon as possible and read it all in one day. Wouldn't anyone?

So a few years later I had all but forgotten about the book (almost) and things are good between us. Then out of nowhere the wife tells me she's going to read the book. I'm delighted but I have to admit I'm curious about the change. Why now? Was it because then she felt like I was trying to make her do something and now it's her idea? If that's all it was all she had to do was read the book, because that's in there too.


Time Traveller said...

good morning david,

You say you were going through a tough time a few years back. Maybe giving her that book made her feel like she might have been to blame for the 'tough time' or that it was her responsibility to put it right. Maybe she was just being stubborn. What ever the reason the title of the book doesn't help.

She's reading it now maybe out of curiosity, maybe she's reading it now because reading it now doesn't make the book responsible for putting whatever was wrong right.

Reading it then would have been admitting that something was wrong. Admitting something is wrong makes it real.

Maybe finding out about your blog might have something to do with it - she now knows that you talk to strangers about things - possibly even her - so she might be curious as to what's going on in your life and head.

Let her read it and then ask her why.

Freak said...

Aww I really feel for you. I kinda know how my BF feels now. He goes out of his way for me and I never really listen to him as much as I should when he wants to talk about him.

I feel sooooo awful about it, I'm trying to try harder now. I think men take more time to understand women, then what women do men. Maybe this is because we are more complicated? What you said about women having more control over men if they understand them.

How true is that? The problem is, some women know men soo well that they play off that power. Wouldn't you say? OF course it can be the other way round too!

As for your wife changing her mind about the book - that is odd. Maybe she just realised she was being a little selfish or something?

Daughter of Night said...

Well, if she can do it (albeit maybe a little late for your taste, but better late than never!!), then I will too.

I loathe Dr. Laura, more so because she's preachy about parenting and HAS NO CLUE what it takes to be a parent, much less step-parent, and because there isn't a single person on the entire planet who can tell me what's "right" or "wrong" for MY life.

Every once in a while I'll tune in, just to make sure I still want to shoot her for making money off of people's pain. I do.

But I'll read the book because your wife is buckling down to do it and because you've recommended it. :-)

PS, I have no insight whatsoever into what changed your wife's mind... it may be as simple as "that was then and this is now."


David said...

20 something: I know the title kills the book for most women and to be honest I didn't agree with everything in it. I think you may be right about the wife not wanting to admit there was a problem (even if the problem was mine)

I hadn't put her finding out I had my own blog together with the book but you may be on to something there, hum...

Lindsay: Do try, because it is so important to keep a relationship equal. Everyone needs support and they will find it somewhere. Don't you want that person to be you?

I agree, men are simple creatures and that is basically what the book is about.

Daughter: I know a lot of people don't like Dr. Laura but you have to admit some of the people that call her show need to hear the truth. So don't shoot her.

I appreciate you taking the time to read the book, I suprised and touched that you would :) Like I said she's not the best writer of all time and she repeats her positions way to often. However, if you concentrate on the letters and the comments from her radio show I bet you'll find some insight into the MSU in there somewhere. I read letters in her book that I could have written myself.

I'll be interested in hearing your opinion and if it's a waste of your time I'll buy you a drink ;)

harbinger said...

I think there is a connection between your blog and her reading the book.
Maybe she thinks you are reaching out to other people because she thinks you think that she can't read you properly.
That's a mouthful.

Daughter of Night said...

I ordered the darn thing from Amazon.com just a few minutes ago. That's REALLY when I needed that drink, my friend... it was all I could do not to create a fake persona under which to order by - unfortunately I'd have to use my real credit card so I just sucked it up. :-)

I'll let you know. I hope you'll share with us your wife's impressions as well (if they are not too personal to share). ;-)

David said...

LOL, try buying it in person :) and just think Amazon tracks your orders so they will be recommending more of her books in the future ;)

Seriously,Thanks for giving it a try, I know the title alone is enough to make you want to put a match to it.

If you find it worthy get the MSU to read it. See which part he identifies with.

Yes, I will share her reaction when she's done.

Daughter of Night said...

I've finished. You can see mmy blog for my comments. :-)